Chapter 18

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Gareth pulled himself lazily from the floor that was well decorated by bottles of different alcohols and strong wine , some smoked cigars too .

His eyes opened lazily as his vision came blurry , gave a tired sigh before adjusting his senses and looked at his room before closing his eyes trying to shut down whatever toiled on his mind when another door bell rang came and he groaned .

He knew who came to see him because that's his secured place only he and his very best friend know about .

His dissapearnce of few days must have triggered her to look for him because he just can't shut her down with no notification and he knew it bothered her .

Lazily he walked through the stairs supporting his weak body by holding the rails until he went free by himself to the door though the energy in his body was seeping out .

Opening it slowly but a girl pushed past it walking inside throwing her bag on the nearest table before turning to face him and her face relaxed but frowned .

" You changed the passcode " she raised her voice at him and he just gulped down still looking outside .

" Are you okay ? " she asked .

" Do I look okay ?" He replied closing the door and walked past her but she then pulled him by his hand stopping him from escaping .

" You should take a mirror and see that you're not just okay but a walking corpse " she snarled and he closed his eyes trying to calm his own heart .

He pushed himself from her and started heading upstairs while she followed huffing all the way under her own breath .

"So can you tell me what's going on " she asked closing the door to his room , her gaze still on him as he threw himself to the bed .

The girl scanned the room and huffed before starting picking up the bottles and pieces of cigars on the floor then threw them to the bin .

She also went for the clothes that scattered all over the Coach , the bed and some on floor .

" Can you speak , am worried Here " she shouted and Gareth turned his head to side so as he can see her .

" You have been missing for days and suddenly went quiet,  what's wrong with you ?" ,  she added and then he pulled himself up , sitting straight not diverting the eye contact he held .

" I did it " he spoke lowly as shame crossed his facial features and she sighed still being confused .

" I told Garen about me and Mia , I gave him the videos Camilla " , she gulped before walking toward him and pulled his head to her stomach , simply giving him a hug .

" Am sorry , but you did a good deed " , he chuckled before pulling himself from her and gazed at the side beside .

" A deed that probably will make me a loner person because am sure my family is going to give me out of it and of Garen....

He chuckled again angrily but guilty overcame it .

" My brother hasn't spoken a word to me after my revelation but I know he'll tick out of it anytime because I did the worst "

Camilla looked down at him and felt pity because , yes , Garen has a best grade in hiding his emotions but ticks out anytime when he sees fit .

" When did you tell him ?" she asked and he smiled to himself .

" Few nights ago I can't even remember when but do you know what Garen did , he showed the videos to the whole Craig family and the Conrads , everyone was there Milla " he gulped facing her as tears welled in his eyes .

" God ! What the heck , how could he do that , those has some sex in it " her mouth formed a 'o' expression not believing that Garen surely did that .

" I reasoned that maybe because of Mia , he wanted to show everyone that Mia wrongly accused her sister and made her suffer " he explained .

" Still , that was a total embarrassment " she spoke frowning .

" That would have come out , right ?"

" Yeah and trust me you did good revealing that eariel because right now you're half stepping the good side of their thoughts " she stated .

" I have lost everyone " he spoke tears rolling down his cheek and she pulled him to a hug .

" No  you still have your family , Mia and " she sighed on the last part .

" Mia ! " he chuckled and then laughed so hard but Camilla could see that the laugh held more pain than happiness .

" Mia ! " he spoke again tears rolling down his eyes profusely .

" Hey , What's wrong with Mia ? " she asked realising that all this time she just considered his part only and never thought about Mia .

" That slut and selfish bitch " he spoke angrily raising his voice that held so much hatred and venom that can kill .

" What happened , Gareth ? " she went on asking but he gulped down looking at the floor , Camilla held his face on her hands making him look at her .

" She cheated on me after all I have done for her " his voice came lower afraiding that maybe he spoke that too loud for others to hear , people can't laugh at a Craig , now .

" Cheated , well that's new " looking at him with a doubt , she had seen these two love each other so  much until when she came to know what game they were really playing about having power and all .

" She was screwing another man apart from me and Garen and that pregnancy isn't ours either but his , the man she cheated us with "

At first she thought that maybe Mia just fell out of love with Garen and loved Gareth and the two went behind for their own true love but hearing this , Camilla realised that the bitch was a wretched woman all along , she was just using Gareth and now that everything is on light , she discards him like this .

" I don't know what to say now but gather yourself Reth , she's not worthy of your love or tears .If she had the audacity to go behind her husband even when she planned it well , sleeping with Garen was a cheat to start with and am surprised but I surely don't doubt that Mia never loved you for real , she was just using you "

Gareth stared at her eyes as it downed him sinking deep on his stomach , he felt nauseous suddenly and run to the bathroom to puke .

That woman is a devil in disguise.


I surely deleted the wrote chapters thrice before making this one , am satisfied with it hope you guys will like it more .

Love you

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                      IverPeace-17. ♥️

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