Chapter 19

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I happily dedicate this to Smutttygirl .


Nessa walked slowly waving at some people and smiled to others while some got the blowing kiss here and now until they walked inside the bar .

" Stressed today " a man in his black suit asked as soon as he saw her and she frowned .

" Am not getting laid tonight but I need your help " she whispered closing their distance and the man smirked .

" And what do I get ? " he asked before knowing whatever she wanted but she smiled slowly lowering her hand down from her breast touching them slowly then stopped when she cupped her pussy and bite her lower lip .

" You just said you're not getting laid tonight " he raised his eyebrow still looking at her with curiosity .

" Of course I won't but just shut up your damn mouth , I wasn't here tonight okay ? " she asked and the man smiled gazing at her body up and down .

" Am now considering you're offer Nessa " he smirked .

" There's no offer Pigster , take this " she then grabbed few dollars and handed them before walking inside and both Garen and Calvin followed but they we're really taken by the life style the girl leads .

" Now she's in my eyes " Nessa spoke turning to face them showing them her hand like begging something .

" What now , where's she ? " Garen asked being impatient with this girl already .

" Some cash first Richie , and just take the cue I need a lot of dollars here "

Garen dipped his hand on the pockect and came out with a bundle of money on his hand Nessa gasped and smirked looking at it , how she loved money .

" Now where's she ? " he asked again and Nessa smiled wider .

" Chill Richie man , see that red haired bitch on the counter , the woman on the other side is the one you're looking for " she spoke and Garen's eyes searched for the counter when Nessa grabbed the money from his hand .

" How much is this , Richie ? " she asked tracing her fingers on it

" Thousand dollars , that's more for just a location , now excuse us " , with that Garen moved past her his eyes still on the woman talking to the red haired girl , he couldn't see her face but she was laughing and seemed happily .

Nervousness crept down his spine but  he really needed to courage up and face her .

Walking toward them slowly still gazing at the woman whom raised her face , pulling her hair strands back to her ears making her face slightly visible .

His heart clenched on the sight before him , the woman was smiling now leaning on the counter both hands on it caging the alcohol in a glass , her brunette hairs now hanging on her neck , her body looking a bit slimmer but the figure wasn't something he could forget , that was the woman she loved so hard , back then and even now .

He arrived at the counter and the red haired smiled .

" What would you like , handsome ? " she asked smiled but his gaze was all on the woman who slowly turned to face him and her eyes froze on him for a second before giving a smile turning back to her own drink .

Circling her finger on the glass , looking at her phone beside that showed a message notification .Grabbed it and scrolled it down when a smile came again to life in her lips .

" Hey, what can I get you ? " the red haired girl asked and Calvin interjected ,  " Some whisky please for both " .

Veronica looked at the man weirdly and gazed at her cousin whom indulged herself on her phone ,  was the man interested in her already .

" Femy " he called and the girl went on tapping on her phone with a smile .

" Aufemia " he called again and the woman was done putting her phone back to the table and grabbed her drink when it came again.

" Femy " , she turned giving him a confused look before gulping down the drink and placed back the glass .

" Sorry , that's not me " , that shocked Garen on all the standards .The woman sitting before him was his one and first true love in his life , the woman who went through it all with him back them until he made her his wife , the woman whom he has been searching for days now when he came to realise that she was wrongly framed , but here she was now found but telling him that's not me.

"Aufemia , can we talk , please " he spoke slowly looking to the ground then back at her face , tapping his foot out of nervousness , this was what Calvin warned him before , what are you going to do when you meet her .

" Thanks , pretty lady " Calvin said to Nica who giggled at the comment and then he smiled looking at the woman.

" Pretty Femy " and the woman frowned before smiling awkwardly at them .

" Seems like you're both drunk even when you're sober " , taking another gulp from her glass and Nica intervened .

" That's Drey handsomes,  am surprised you don't know her , you new here ?" Nica chipped throwing glances at her cousin and Garen stiffed , was she known around this shady piece of place .

" Cliff is having fun somewhere , and am bored already " Drey spoke looking at her phone again before pouting .

" Aufemia , I really need to talk to you " Garen found himself holding her hand out of desperation and Drey looked at him then where his hand was .

" Am sorry but I don't want to be rude at you , I hate physical contact especially with men but get yourself together , Am Audrey Greens "

She pulled herself from him and gulped the remaining from her glass then grabbed her purse .

" I will see you around Nica " , with that she glanced at the two mens before walking away toward the exit and Garen was not having that , he followed .

" You're friend seems to fall in love at a first sight or maybe confusing her for the ex- girlfriend or lover " Nica spoke and Calvin walked out of his deva ju and gazed at her , he sighed then took a seat  gulping the whole glass of whisky on the very first gulp and Nica was amazed .

The few four days  days have been harsh on them and he was damn tired of all the shits , they found Femy that's a big yes and a reason to party but that same found Femy claims to be someone Greens , what the fuck .

" That's not love at first sight but love after last sight , trust me " , he then gulped down another whole glass and Nica smirked .

" Slow down will you , burning your throat won't ease out shits man " she spoke before turning to another man and a woman whom approached the counter .

"Some strong cocktail , please " the woman ordered and the man spoke slowly , " Same for me " .

Nica turned away to take their orders .


So is Audrey ,Femy .Let's find out love pies ...♥️


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