Chapter 99

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" Calm down , you'll hurt yourself " Shawn spoke looking at his friend who limped across the room with the stick on his hand .

" Connect me to her " Ray ordered and Shawn grabbed a remote and pointed it to the Tv in the wall and everything came to the picture , how she was rushed to the hospital and doctors closed that door .

Thank God he's installed cameras everywhere including the hospital she's been visiting and planned to deliver at .

" Get me the earphone "

Shawn gave him one .

A scream was what came first to his ears .

That scream of the pain she was going through .

His eyes bore to the TV , tears welling up in his eyes as he witnessed how she pulled her legs apart and the doctors encouraged her to push .

The sweat on her face , the contours it made as she frowned , the tears that dropped from her beautiful eyes .

His hands gripped so hard , heart felt heavy missing this moment .

She would let her upper body fall tiredly back in bed before gathering some energy and pushed again . The doctors encouraged as she screamed and groaned in agony .

His heart prayed that everything should be alright .

With the last strong push , she groaned so hard and a cry immersed in filling Joy in his heart and he gasped releasing the breath he's been holding for so long .

His eyes then shifted to her , seeing how she fell back effortlessly , a little smile is what he noted on her face as she slowly closed her eyes .

" Her pulse is going down "

That perked Ray's  ears , as he took steps forward ,even  Shawn did that too this time .

" What's going on ? "

The doctors started going hyper in acting .

" Get the plane Shawn " He yelled seeing things horrible on the screen .

" But you're not okay "

" Get. the .damn.plane " he gritted his teeth and Shawn narrowed his eyes walking outside .

" Don't leave me ,Femy " he mumbled as the doctors went on doing everything they could to make her stable .


Arriving to Russia ,Ray wanted nothing but to see his woman ,his love .

He's been away from her for a reason but seeing her like that made his fear spike the fire inside him and he erupted .

Walking to the halls of the hospital ,his mind cared less of how she'll react on seeing him ,he cared to seeing her very much alive and okay .

Directed to the ward ,he wasted no time and dove to the room to find Agatha drenching a piece of cloth in water .

" Mom " he called as his gaze turned to face the laying body of the woman he loves so much .

Agatha let go of the cloth and walked to him fiercely and slapped him .

" How could you let her go through this alone ,Ray . How could you " she whispered yelled at his face as tears rolled down her cheeks but Ray remained very stoic despite of the turmoil inside him .

" We all thought we lost you " she added and he pulled her to his chest .

" Am so sorry Mother " he mumbled his eyes not holding anymore .

He sobbed .

" Don't repeat that shit ever again ,son "

" Okay ,Mother "

She let go of him and rubbed his tears as she smiled .

" Am glad you're home but am afraid you've got a lot to do when she wakes up " She looked at sleeping Femy and sighed .

" You've got to make it up for her "

" I know she'll punish me ,mother " he mumbled and Agatha smiled at him .

" Maybe she'll not " .

Ray walked to her and sat beside her holding her hands to his .

" Am sorry my love " he whispered caressing them slowly .

He pulled himself and kisses her forehead .

" You should come and see your child " Agatha spoke with pride .

" Yes ,Rays"

He got up and kisses her another lovely kiss and walked out to see the child . Agatha lead the way to the room where babies stayed .

The sight was beautiful just in sight ,he smiled seeing all of them but it warmed his heart when his eyes landed on the small crib with the name Femy Conrad .

" Rays " he mumbled looking at her ,slowly touched the glass and smiled wide .

" The doctor said we could see her sometime later "

" She's beautiful isn't she ? "

Agatha hummed smoothly.

" My princess " he mumbled .

Ray spent hours looking at his daughter until when he was allowed to hold his baby girl .

Tears welled up in his eyes seeing those amber eyes just like her mother , he was proud of the face she owned much more like both of them , he was the version of what he and Femy made .

The lips were just like her mother's ,smooth and beautiful .

She would be a beautiful lady when she grows up and  a pretty woman at that .

" She's the mini you ,son " Agatha smiled patting his shoulder as he picked her up to his arms .

" Rays " he called and the baby looked at him with those beautiful amber eyes .

He laughed slowly seeing the interest in his daughters eyes .

" Am your father ,princess " he spoke kissing her forehead smoothly .

" We should bring her to her mother "

" Time to see momy " Ray looked at the stick he placed aside and then his daughter .

He was fully recovered from the last explosion he survived .

" I will hold you up " Agatha spoke seeing how he was debating on how to walk and carry his daughter .

" Thanks mom "

Agatha held him to give support while he carried Ray's closer to his body and slowly limped back to Femy's ward .

Taking a seat beside her ,he looked at Rays then Femy and smiled .

" Am proud of you ,my princesses " he mumbled taking Femy's hand into his and kissed kit slowly .

" When will she wake up ? "

" The doctor said soon ,she just needed time to rest " Agatha replied .

" We are waiting for you ,all of us . So please walk back to us ,we love you Aufemia "

" We all do " mumbled Agatha .

And He looked at his family with adoration in his eyes .

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