Chapter 74

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Mia kept laughing with the funny series she was just watching when a door bang came her way and she frowned , who dared to disturb her peace . With an angry look she turned to the stomping feet that surely walked towards her and there came the face of Casper .

" What's wrong with you ? " She asked about being irritated with his behaviour and Casper acted so not himself at all .

" Where is she Mia ? " He frowned before her face as his body trembled in anger and she narrowed her eyes at him
" I really can't tell whom you're talking about but it seems this person is way more important " ,she relaxed taking her seat properly again .

" Don't play games with me Mia , where is she ? " He asked again with a strong threatening voice this time but Mia did not flinch at all instead she turned her head calmly and looked at him burning with rage all for who , a woman she well knows .

" I don't ever remember telling you I am an angel , so unless you speak straight , I don't know what you're talking about "she spoke picking up her popcorn can and took some in her mouth .

" Where's Charlotte , Mia ? " He now grabbed her throat making her drop the can and held his hand , tightening a hold on her as she choked and beat his hand .

" Cas.. " she voiced weakly and he snapped out if his demons as regrets flashed in his eyes leaving a coughing Mia as tears strained her eyes now rubbing her neck off .

" Am sorry " he spoke wanting to grab her but she moved back and he froze as she slowly walked from the coach and backed away from him .

" Mia am sorry "

" No don't ...

" Don't .. Casper , god ...

She kept rubbing her neck as one of her hands held her belly where his eyes fell as soon as she did so and guilty conquered his soul instantly . God she was the mother of his children .

" I was so right about this , you love her ...

She sniffed this time as a small laugh but bitterness came out of her lips .

" No it's not like that " Casper rubbed his face as he sighed .

" Casper look at me " she demanded as she held her head high , eyes red and tears on her cheek .

" Today you've just drawn yourself a line you shouldn't and nothing comes without a cost " she spoke gritting her teeth and he stepped forward .

"Mia i am sorry  , she just disappeared and I thought it ....

" It was me ... Good guess , and here you're choking a pregnant woman with your child , a woman who has sacrificed a lot for you after not stepping into this house for three freaking fucking days , not knowing how I slept or what I do , am sick or not , good or pretending , all over claiming where's Charlotte and you tell me it's just one if the trap , that you use her as a pawn ... Fuck you Casper " she shouted .

" Am really sorry ... Am so sorry babe " he spoke .

" And you know what , game on Casper . Go and find her because if I do before you she won't see the light of the day I find her " she spoke rubbing her tears angrily.

" Come on Mia " He spoke

" You chose her , I warned you and gave you a choice and you made your bet .... So get going Casper " she spoke walking away when Casper pulled her back to his chest holding her belly .

" Am sorry , please don't walk away from me " he whispered in her ear as she grabbed her hands and moved from him .

" Don't sweet pull me , I am done with you " with that she walked upstairs leaving him alone .

As soon as she arrived in her room , she started throwing things here and there as Casper came knocking .

" Please don't , Mia ... You'll hurt yourself , think about the baby " he begged .

Mia gave a bitter laugh as her face conjured to the wicked one , anger , revenge thrilled her eyes as she grabbed her phone and walked to the bathroom .

" Prepare the tool ,I will be there  tonight , she ain't seeing tomorrow I swear " she whispered as she threw her phone to the wall .

" Aaah " she screamed .

Walking back to her room that looked messy , sat in the bed as she rubbed her face trying to make the tears in her eyes fade but the pain she was feeling kept boosting them out .

She felt betrayed , after all she has ever done for him , this is what she gets ... Betrayal . She knew that this may come one day but chose not to believe that instead hoped that there would be something beautiful one day with him .

Gods , she just ruined her whole life just because of this man .

Cries came out as her throat burned , her heart felt pierced , Casper turning his back on her was the end to all her , her life , her dreams , her efforts and love , and he just ended it all today .

" You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met "

" Be with Me Mia "

" Would you marry me , Mia Conrad "

" I will always love you , I will never turn my back on you "

" This belly looks good in you , let me kiss my boy there "

" I know you can do it , once we have it all to ourselves ... I will give you everything you desire to have in this world  "

" Just marry him , it's part of the plan but remember ,you're mine ....only mine " .

Tears flowed out as she screamed so hard giving it all out memories  coming over with lots of promises and plans they both made but that sounded so pitiful right now , nothing was real .

Casper instead sat on the outside taking all the screams in his ears and that's when he realized he's lost the woman he loved , his heart stood in a conflict , he was getting attached to Charlotte and he still wants Mia in his life .

She has always been there and killing her is the first option he'll dump in his life .

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