Chapter 24

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" Why are you crying ? " Hades asked his wife , Evelyn as he walked towards her where she sat on their bed , one of her hand on her chest like something gave  her pain while her face was pale with tears were rolling down her cheeks profusely .

Her eyes were red , the whole face indeed ,  gripping her phone on the other hand , her head hang low as sobs escaped her lips smoothly .

" What's wrong sweetheart ? " he asked again when she held out her hands for him to hold and gently he did .

" She's dead , Hades " slowly voicing the news to her husband as guilty and fear crossed in her eyes , shock overwhelmed Hades who still looked confused by her words .

" Who's dead ? "

" Aufemia is dead , she's dead Hades and it's all my fault " , he pulled her onto the hug . He understood the guilty swirling on her eyes because he was too for whatever they did to her back then, it was a great mistake and now she's gone without hearing their apologies , his heart weighed suddenly .

" It's all my fault , Hades "

" Sshhh "

He tried to console her but she was all over high taking all the blames on herself , that's something she wasn't supposed to do .

" It's my fault , Hades ....if it wasn't for me she would have been alive" , she went on and he slowly grabbed her face rubbing the tears still shushing her as a comfort .

" It's not your fault Evelyn , even though we did her wrong but you're not the only one to be blamed but all of us "

" No , don't try to ease me while I know am the cause , I killed her "

" No stop......"

" You stop Hades .......I killed her " , she shouted at the last statement and he flinched when it downed him , there's something she doesn't tell , something he doesn't know , and something big and way too dangerous to be know unless she wouldn't react like this .

" What do you mean ? " he asked slowly .

" I killed her Hades , I dragged her from the prison to the asylum just to fill my revenge and they told me she couldn't handle it anymore and she died "

He froze hearing the confession from his wife , yes , they all knew she was the one who arranged for the transfer from Washington to Russia and the justification was Revenge , she had to suffer for what she had done but he never knew that his wife planned something more and terrible .

" You did what ? " he asked and she stood from the bed palming her mouth looking away from him .

She wronged them at that time yes but taking her sanity was too far way to punish her .

" Why ?" He asked trembling at the thought and his question's answer came replaying on his mind but he wanted to hear her justification .

" I thought she deserved it , I wanted to torture her and make her pay for what we believed she had done back then "

" But taking her sanity was a cruel thing to do , Russia was a deadly one itself " he spoke not believing that she did it.

" Am sorry, I regret it now and am ashamed that she had to die on that one while she was innocent " , he sighed heavily before pulling her to a hug again as she went on crying .

His heart beat fastly on the thoughts of what Femy had to endure being in the asylum , that was the worst place for a sane person .

A phone rang suddenly and Evelyn broke the  hug noticing that it was  hers . Walking toward the bed and picked it up .

" Giovanni " she slowly started trying to swallow the sobs that threatened to leave her lips .

" He's searching for her ! " surprisingly she let the phone slide past her hand and fell on the floor automatically switching off itself as she crumbled down her knees .

Hades rushed to her side as she trembled .

" Garen is looking for her , he's looking for Femy , what if he finds out what I have done , what if he comes to know that I killed her ,  Garen......Garen....."

Her breathing hitched and she was finding it difficult to breath anymore as Hades got confused .

" Evelyn , Evelyn "

" Evelyn "

He called again as her chest raised and fell rapidly , Hades pulled out his phone and called for the security as his worries peeked high on seeing his wife slowly losing her sight and slip into darkness .

" Evelyn "

He shakes her , slapping her cheeks smoothly when the door came open  revealing two strong men in their black suits .

On seeing the situation , hurriedly they helped Hades taking their Miss downstairs and then to the car straight to the hospital .

Arriving to the hospital that was one of their properties , Evelyn was carefully taken to the care of the doctors and professionals when Hades was told to wait outside .

Hades decided to call for Giovanni and Maria informing them of their mother's condition but refrained himself to call Garen for he knew that his presence would make it worse especially when Evelyn wakes up and finds him here .

Giovanni took less than half an hour and he was there accompanying his worried father , he didn't question him for he knew that he wouldn't be able to tell it all straight with the way he was acting .

Maria did come too after an hour where the doctors already tended to the patient and were out giving the reports .

" Am sorry am late " she spoke joining the group and listened to the doctor .

" She's alright just caught a shock that makes her unconscious for a while but She'll be awake "

" Nothing more doctor " Giovanni asked and the doctor nodded .

" But I need to ask you something , Mr.Craig " the doctor went again .

Hades nodded .

" Did she receive any shocking news or something sort of ? " , Hades gulped but voice his reply with a firm sound .

" Nothing really , we were just alright when she suddenly started having difficult in breathing " ,  Maria and Giovanni looked at their father .

" Okay then , we'll look further for that but for now she needs rest and am sorry you both can't see her now " the doctor insisted and they all nodded .

" What happened father ? " Maria asked as soon as the doctor walked away .

" I really don't know Kids , she just crumbled on her knees and started fighting for some air " he explained .

" Isn't that when I was talking with her because she simply went off " Giovanni spoke narrowing his eyes .

" What did you tell her ? " Hades asked while he knew .

" That Garen was looking for Femy out there and she was the one who asked me to find where Garen was since he doesn't take her calls nor replying to her messages " he explained too .

" Well that can't make her shocked , now can it ? " Hades asked and Giovanni nodded his head as in 'no it can't ' .

And both went on their depressed faces .


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