Chapter 34

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I happily dedicate this to KamalaGupta.


"And i just don't understand why you simply did that to her ? " Gareth spoke pulling a coke from the fridge as Camilla served the food in the dining room .

"She deserves it , there's no other reasons " she shrugged the fact and went on placing the glasses on the table.

" That was too much , throwing her out " he added raising his eyebrow now looking at her as he stood behind one of the chairs in the dining set .

" What was she doing there at first ? " she asked and he was  silent .

" Seeking some humiliations !, ....ooh yeah I gave her that " , she added with a smile .

" Wasn't I cool , throw her out " she mimicked they way she did on the other day but Gareth was standing there frowning .

" And don't give me that frown face of yours , you look really ugly right now ....don't be sympathetic "she rolled her eyes .

He walked towards her hovering and she suddenly went quite .

" Hey , you trying to intimidate me now,  ooh be sure it's working step back " she voiced slowly .

" Tell me the really reason of why you humiliated her like that while you could've easily taken care of her with no taking attention ." he asked again .

" Gareth ,do I  really need a reason  to teach a lesson a person who humiliated my friend and done some bad shit in his life " she narrowed her eyes at him .

" Please don't tell me you still having feelings for her because I will be dissapointed in you " she added pulling the chair and sat .

"And why is that , we don't move on from love like a fast jet " he spoke but got an irritating look from her .

" Sit down and have some food , maybe your mind will change I can sense it's your hunger talking not a real man " , she pulled the plates and started serving with a serious face .

" She's been losing fans and people questions the  quietness of Garen , that's not good for her career " he  went again sitting on the other side .

" Reth ,  that was expected since the day she was divorced and don't try the hero thing with her again not anywhere at all because you would be simply dragging yourself with her while you still have a chance " she explained before placing a full spoon of the pumpkin pie .

" Am still confused about her , for real " he stated taking some of it too .

" You don't have to see something cruel for you to believe her , she said it all before your gather your ass and be a hard rock ...move on " she went again chewing .

Gareth looked at her and smiled , Camilla was one woman of a kind to his life , his best friend .

" Mia is about to fall harder so me humiliating her was clearing some path , Garen would do amazing job , just wait and see " .she smiled proudly and he smiled too .

" And for the day to end with , I want something else and not a a pie " he spoke and Camilla raised her eyebrow .

" Am no house girl for your arse Craig man , so I will cook whatever I feel like , you don't like it then starve " she straightened her hand wanted to pull his plate when he fastily stood up with it on his hand .

" Are you serious ? " he asked chocking on his food  .

" For the last part yes , Gareth " she simply stated ignoring him as she went back to her food .

" Crazy woman " he cursed moving to another chair far away from her and she smirked .

After eating , the two washed the utensils together with we stories lingering here and there .Laughter and moments recall were pressed in their matters and Laughter's filled the space .

Gareth for a time his  worries and sadness vanished because Camilla was giving her a company the whole day and she never let him drown himself in stress or sadness , she'd always cheer him up .

After they had dried the utensils and arranged them in a cupboard , they went to take shower each in their room and when done , met at the gaming room .

" Hey , that's my sweater " he spoke eyeing her from up to down .Milla was on a grey big sweater and white pants that barely covered her arse , her hairs let free hanging on her neck , with white slippers on her legs .

" I know , I have nothing to wear today either " she reasoned .

" You should've picked some when you came , that's my favorite " , his face with a frown showed how pissed he was .

" And what am I to tell Seven Wings , going to the Craig's bastard he's having a hard time and I need to be with him to cheer him up , that " she raised her hands like 🤷‍♀️.

Camilla was one of the kid under high parental supervision since she was the only heir to the Wings and her father was somehow strict towards her .

" Okay , but you gonna wash that " he ordered .

" Like I own it " she stated and faked smiled .

" Today I will take you down , I promise " she took hold of a game controller and jumped on the coach as Gareth smiled seeing her acting all savagely .

" That's my place Chico " He spoke grabbing his controller too but Milla just faked smiled .

" I know , this place is blessed and I will  seat here today " , he creased his eyebrow before bending and closed the distance that his face was now nears hers .

" Am the charm Chico , not the place " he whispered to her ear before walking to the other side .

" We'll see , fatto " she raised her lips in a disgusty manner before focusing her eyes on the game .

" Are you ready ? " he asked and she nodded .

" Okay , there we go , 1..2...3...go "

They both started the car raging game and as the time went by their body wiggled with the rhythm of what they were doing .

Seriousness took all over and everyone was determined to win over , at some point Milla stood on the coach , then bent making her are up with hands on her knees .

Sometime she would seat and the other  be like a chipmunk all for the winning determination .

Gareth was clean and clear focused and the game seemed to take a great way on his part , smile and frowns constantly exchanged to his facial until the game was over and she won .

" Aaaah " She screamed , throwing the controller aside and her body to Gareth who fell on the coach and she on top , laughing as a fool.

" I told you I would beat up your arse today " she spoke straddling his pelvic side while slapping his chest slowly and started to laugh immensely while all the time Gareth set his eyes on her with a smile .


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