Chapter 71

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" Aaah " Charlotte breathed after a splash of water came her way and panted to take some air in , she was now awake and the last thing she remembered was her being kidnapped right after doing some shopping , seemed the driver was not a good person .

" You're not a heavy sleeper " came a woman's voice and Charlotte tried to open her eyes to see a clear view of a woman sitting on the chair beside a table where different weapons lay there , two men stood behind her , two were just close to her with buckets on their hands as she turned to scan the room , saw more men with guns on their hands and the place looked so terrifying .

" Who .. are . You ? " She managed to ask and a small laugh came her way , Charlotte  took in the appearance of the woman who seemed to be pregnant and her mind and denied about seeing this woman before .

" We certainly didn't meet before just to clear your thoughts and am too surprised that Casper didn't tell you about me " the woman spoke with a smile on her face making so much confusion to Charlotte .

" Who's Casper ? " She asked again and the woman laughed harder this time , and like it was too much for her as she tried to hold it back and placed her hand on her mouth trying to stop it and breath .

" That's amazing everyone ... Am sorry about the laugh , it toils my ribs sometimes you know , especially with the pregnancy Charlotte ? "  The woman spoke again but her lips couldn't hold the serious face but a smile .

" How do you know my name ? " She stummered red on the way with the question and the woman chuckled this time .

" Who wouldn't know the famous princess of Asia , Charlotte Everston, am just surprised you don't know who I am ... You don't do research of famous people in the country you come to invest in do you ? Sarcasm filling the voice that annoyed Charlotte , this woman was just telling her how bad she is in business .

" If you know who my father is , then you know you won't get away with this , do you ?" Charlotte asked stirring down the fear inside her and the woman smirked .

" You tell me how he is going to find you in a country you don't know yourself , you just sounded so pathetic right now you know " .

" Who the hell are you ? " Shouted Charlotte as she moved her hands and body trying to get off the chair she was tied too .

" Lower your voice , we're not in Asia princess and don't move too hard , he's good at tighting things " ,the woman rather replied nochantly as she pointed to the man who stood behind him .

" Well let's see about my name and a few talks for today ... Unless you piss me off and mind you i am a  short tempered woman , the pregnancy doesn't count " the woman spoke as Charlotte clenched her jaws .

" My name is Mia Conrad , have you ever heard of that name before "Mia asked and Charlotte  laughed this time .

" The fallen model I see , is this about money " Charlotte gave a small laugh while it was now Mia's time to clench her jaws , anger all over her face , well she wanted this woman dead now .

" Good try Charlotte , but this ain't about money , I am sorry  and guess what ...

" You're not going to leave here alive my dear , it's either your found dead body or rather just a missing person forever " Mia added as a smirk formed a way on her face and Charlotte's dropped instead .

" What have I done to you ? " Fear now crawling on her body she asked as tears that once welled and disappeared came back in a flash . She knows nothing of this woman and suddenly she wants to end her life with no reason .

" Pretty well then , You were a good woman and respected in my views when I read an article about you and your business but not untill when you laid your filthy eyes on my man , my husband to make it clear " Mia spoke with camlm but a rage of fire was burning her territoes inside her .

" I don't understand what you're talking about ? "

" Am talking about Casper "

" I don't know the Casper you're referring to , damn woman " Charlotte shouted as anger bubbled in her , who the hell is this damn woman accusing her to steal a married man .

" Well let's call him Giovanni , then ... Does that ring familiar bell in your ears ? " Mia asked sarcastically and Charlotte's heart stopped for a second on the name and Mia smiled .

" Giovanni "

" You don't know him either " Mia asked and Charlotte just stared at her like a statue trying to process everything that's happening .

" If he hasn't told you about me , am sorry for your loss he can be a very good liar and actor to add , but he's my man ... I mean he's always been , we have a family and soon we're adding another child in our life " Mia dropped another shell bomb .

" It can't be " Charlotte mumbled .

" Denial state , I can understand that , it happened when I lost my career too I can say everything except him and am not going to watch you take him from me either , okay " Mia added .

" You're married to Garen Craig " Charlotte spoke trying to piece out what's missing while her heart ponded so hard for the betrayal of Giovanni although her trust in Him was somehow winning that .

" You don't watch the news too , surprisingly " Mia spoke with a small laugh on the way .

" Ex - wife , Charlotte and before all that am married to Giovanni " Mia told her .

" How ? " Charlotte asked again .

" That's for you to find out another day when you please me for a story talk but for today you just pissed me off "  Mia spoke standing from her seat and walked towards her , fear on Charlotte's eyes was vivid .

Mia slapped so hard and Charlotte whimpered .

" That is for trying to break through in my family , bitch"  Mia spat with so much hatred and then grabbed her face that was all sweaty and some hair stuck in it , red mark starting forming on her cheek for the slap .

" Esay skin I see , but you said am a fallen model ... I will show you how that feels . You claim to have a father right , who's having your back and everything right ... What if he's not in this world ? " Mia questioned her and Charlotte gasped .

" Don't ? " She pleaded with a tear rolling in her face.

" There the fear of falling , remember that feeling Charlotte , it's kinda interesting when you finally fall to the pity of loss "  she let go of her jaw and stepped back while a guard came with a tape .

" No ... No... "

A guard taped her mouth and she just hummed with a cry .

" Place her legs on ice for the rest of the night  " she ordered as she walked out slowly leaving a crying Charlotte behind .

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