Hiei VS Vergil

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The Jagan eye user takes on the eldest Son of Sparda in a battle between two deadly half demons. Who will win and who will die?


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Shadow: Hiei, the Master of the Evil Eye.

Zero: And Vergil, the eldest Son of Sparda.

Shadow: We've seen our fair share of anti-heroes and anti-villains sought power in anyway the can like the combatants from the last episode. But none of them could even come close to being as power hungry as these two.

Zero: And if you dare to cross them you are dead. He's Shadow and I'm Zero.

Shadow: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Shadow: Standing less than five feet tall, this black-clad goth child may not seem so intimidating at first glance.

Zero: I mean put a red stripe somewhere and he's basically you, Shadow.

Shadow: Okay. Anyways in reality, Hiei is a menacing warrior of demonic heritage. Born to a forbidden love between an ice woman and a fire monster.

Height: 160 cm | 5'3"
Weight: N/A
Age: Between 16 & 99
Demon Class: Upper S
Fire & ice demon hybrid
Name means "Flying Shadow"
Twin brother of Yukina
Favorite color is likely black

Zero: Ah yes the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet: Boy meets girl, boy and girl start off as friends but they can't see each other due to their heritage feud, boy and girl fall in love with each other despite that, boy impregnates girl after some fucking, boy disappears for some reason leaving girl to pop out a child, girl's country was furious at this because the child was never meant to be born in the first place due to forbidden so in retaliation after girl dies from childbirth they throw girl's baby off the cliff into the ocean in retaliation and then the baby died. The end. Just kidding.

Shadow: Miraculously the child survived and was found by a gang of thieves, the thieves named him Hiei and raised and trained him as their own.

Zero: You're probably thinking: "Well at least he has a family that loves him and completely forgot about the horrors he experienced at birth." Except he did not. Hiei remembered every last detail of what those ice bitches did to him so enraged Hiei swore revenge to slaughter every last ice maiden. Even though I'm positive that the innocent ice women don't deserve to die over the actions of a few people but sure whatever works.

Shadow: And Hiei had all this skills he needed to in act his quest for revenge he was already a skilled killer even at a young age and is a master swordsman he can slice his enemies to pieces so fast they don't even realize their dead until it was too late.

Arsenal & abilities
Bushido-style katana
Demon abilities
Fist of the Mortal Flame
Double Fist of the Mortal Flame
Astral projection
Elemental resistances
Jagan Eye
Mind control
Mental protection
Dragon of the Darkness Flame
Sword of the Darkness Flame
Dragon Absorption
Can summon multiple at once
Fireball projectiles
Jaganshi form
Increased physical abilities
Jagan Binding Curse
Black Dragon Wave

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