Shigaraki Decays DEATH BATTLE!

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Dr. Eggman: Welcome to a world where the supernatural is normal where 80% of the human population possesses some unique abilities known as Quirks.

Bowser: I know what you're thinking: "Yay people can finally escape reality and be the superheroes from Marvel and DC comics and finally live a happy and peaceful life." And to that I say this: You really think living a superhero world will actually give you a peaceful life? Well ya couldn't be more wrong as there are people in this world that are not living the best life as you kids these days describe it.

Dr. Eggman: Tenko Shimura's life was anything BUT perfect, he grew up in an abusive life thanks to his father.

Bowser: Why you may ask? It's simple because anyone who thinks about wanting to be a hero gets their asses kicked. Ohhh boy I wanna beat Tenko's dad's ass so bad he's a disgrace to good fathers like me.

Dr. Eggman: I hear you. Anyways Tenko lived out his life through utter Hell.

Bowser: One day little Tenko found that he's related to a hero in the form of his grandmother Nana Shimura. Too bad the piece of shit excuse for a dad found out and proceeded to beat him.

Dr. Eggman: To Tenko's father a hero is someone who would rather abandon their child just so he can go out and save strangers. That's the type of hatred that boiled in his veins.

Bowser: Still doesn't justify child abuse though man I wish I can adopt him. Anyways little Tenko was crying his eyes out wanted to destroy everything related to his abuse little did he know that his wish actually came true.

Dr. Eggman Young Tenko awakened his Quirk Decay but in the process killed his entire family.

Bowser: But hey at least he killed that bastard of a father.

We see Tenko kill his father.


Dr. Eggman: Feeling guilty of having massacred his whole family Tenko left the streets with nowhere else to go hoping for someone to reach out a helping hand. Sadly that never happened until a mysterious man in a suit showed up. The Legendary All For One. All For One gave him a helping hand when no one else would.

Bowser: You're probably thinkin', "Oh, what a swell guy." Except he was not! All For One was brewing some plans for world domination and needed a pawn to carry them out. So, he gave young Tenko his Quick at the age of 5 even though Quirks don't manifest past age 4 so he can be the father he always wanted even though he wasn't.

Dr. Eggman: And after grooming Tenko to embrace his hatred and gave him the hands his dead family members All For One gave him a new name from then on Tenko Shimura died and was reborn as Tomura Shigaraki.

Bowser: And this is where the fun begins, Tomura can use his Quirk to turn literally anything he touches to dust.

Dr. Eggman: And thanks to his training from All For One, Shigaraki is pretty agile shockingly and just a heads up and in order for him to use Decay he need to activate it from all 5 fingers and needs to be in physical contact with a thing or person he's touching.

Bowser: Dude it boils my mind about what Shigaraki went through so I'm going to go hunt down some abusive dads out there and burn them all to Hell!

Dr. Eggman: Well as someone who is a recent father to my dear AI I will join you.

Bowser: Oh yeah that's what I'm talking about. So while me and Eggman go out there to burn some sorry excuses for fathers stay tuned next time for Shigaraki's opponent Cinder Fall.

 So while me and Eggman go out there to burn some sorry excuses for fathers stay tuned next time for Shigaraki's opponent Cinder Fall

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