Meeting the trio

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"Why, was I not supposed to?"

Y/n 's POV:

I was on the Hogwarts platform.

Uncle Moony insisted he ride the train with me.

We found an empty compartment at the end of the train so we went in.

Guaranteed, it wasn't that hard considering we were really early.

I slid into the seat across from uncle Moony and pulled out my book while he slept.

I was joining the third years due to my age, not my skill level.

I was way advanced at Beauxbatons so I knew spells even some 7th years at Hogwarts didn't know.

About 2 minutes after the train left platform 9 3/4, three people stopped outside of the apartment door.

They seemed to be arguing about something then finally, a bushy haired girl slid open the compartment door.

"Uhm, excuse me, could we possibly sit here?" The girl asked.

I nodded my head and they came in. The girl sat next to uncle Moony and a red head boy sat next to her.

A boy with jet black hair, emerald green eyes, and circular glasses sat next to me.

Once they were setteled, the girl exclamed, "Oh, I'm Hermione Granger by the way." I smiled at her and nodded my head.

I looked at the red head next to her and Hermione nudged him in the side with her elbow.

"Ouch! Oh sorry. I'm Ron Weasley." I nodded at the boy who was now eating a licorice wand.

Lastly I turned to the boy next to me who, I had to admit, was kina cute.

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter" He said hold his hand out for me to shake.

Wait. The Harry Potter! I was so excited. But I hid my emotion and acted like I'm hearing of him for the first time.

I shook his hand and said to the three, "I'm Y/n Ivrean"

Me and Professor Dumbledore, who I had met with before school started, thought it wise to change my last name for the time being considering my dad's a murdering lunatic who has escaped from Azkaban. But I don't entirly believe that it's true.

Harry looked happy that someone didn't immediately swoon over him for having a scar on his forehead.

"Who is that?" Hermione asked, nodding her head in uncle Moony's way.

"Professor Lupin. The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." I said. She nodded.

"I've never seen you around before. Are you new?" Harry asked.

"Yes. I've just transfered from Beauxbatons."

"Wait, really?" Ron asked in disbelief.

"Yes Ronald. Can't you tell by her slightly French accent?" Hermione sassed.

"Well I just thought - So you can speak French?"

I chuckeled. "Oui je peux. Et le garçon à côté de moi est plutôt mignon, il ne va pas mentir" (Yes I can. And the boy next to me is kind of cute not gonna lie.)

"Cool" He said satisfyied and impressed.

- - -

The train stopped and it started getting cold. I'm too familiar with this feeling.

I get up and raise my wand to the door.

The train does another jolt and someone falls on the floor next to me. "Bloody hell, what's happening!" I can hear Ron's voice from behind me.

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