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"Let me do it for her!"

Y/n's POV:

The first week of class had been fairly simple considering it was mainly a small review of last year.

Charms was easy, transfiguration was pretty good, I sucked at potions as usual, but now we have our first DADA class with Pinkalicious.

We waited outside the classroom door until she let us inside.

Harry and Ron sat three rows up from the back while the row behind them was empty, so Hermione and I sat in the back much to her dismay.

A paper bird had started flying around the classroom as Umbridge had left momentarily.

The bird flies over my head and I reach up to try to touch it.

He flies too high though and Seamus tries to smack it.

Crabbe stands up and slingshots some paper at it.

It flies straight up and burns to ash.

I turn my head to see Umbridge pointing her wand where the paper bird once was.

"Good morning children." She says calmly.

When no one says anything she starts writing on the chalkboard with her wand.

"Ordinary, Wizarding, Level, examinations! O-W-Ls, or more commonly known as OWLS!"

She's at the front of the classroom now.

"Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe. Mh hem!"

It took everything in me not to scoff or roll my eyes at the annoying high pitch cough thing she does.

She flicks her wand and two piles of books starts to orderly distribute amongst everyone.

My book lands neatly in front of me.

'Dark arts defense: basics for beginners.'

"Your previous instructions on this subject have been disturbingly-...uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, from now on you'll be following a carefully structured, ministry approved course, of defensive magic. Yes?"

I feel Hermione put her hand back down.

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells?" She says.

"Using spells? Ha! I don't understand why you would need to use magic in my classroom." Umbitch says.

"We're not going to use magic?" Ron asks.

"You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk free way." She explains like it was obvious.

"What use is that? If we're going to be attacked it won't be risk free." Harry says.

Umbitch turns around.

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class."

She plasters on a fake smile that anyone can see through.

"It is the view, of the ministry, that a theoretical knowledge, will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which, after all, is what school is all about."

"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?"

"I agree with Harry." I speak up. "The whole point of school is to prepare us for the world and the whole point of this class is to prepare us for those who want to do us harm. And we can't do that with the structure of curriculum you have set for us."

Mon Amour |  Harry Potter x Y/n BlackWhere stories live. Discover now