Midnight stroll

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"I miss them. My parents."

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were walking down to Hagrid's hut for our first, 'Care of Magical Creatures', lesson.

"Gather 'round, gather 'round. Ev'ryone here? Excellent. I got a real treat for ya today! Follow me." Said the half-giant.

We followed him into the forbidden forrest into an open clearing.

"Now open yer books please"

"And how exactly do we do that?" Malfoy sneered from the back.

"Well yeh stroke the spine 'o course! Goodness me." Hagrid replied and walked off.

"I think they're funny." Hermione said from next to me.

"Oh yeah, terribly funny. Real witty. Gosh this place has gone to the dogs. Wait till my father hears about this!"

"Shut up Malfoy." Harry said, sauntering over the the blond.

He and his goons made owl noises and Malfoy strode up to Harry too.

He looked up and suddenly looked frightened.

"D-dementor! Dementor!" He said, pointing at the sky.

I quickly whipped out my wand and spun around, only to find there were no dementors.

Hermione grabbed Harry's shoulder and steered him away just as Hagrid came back over.

Hagrid cleared his throat and said, "Duh-du-du-du! Say hello to Buckbeak!"

"Hagrid what exactly is that?" Ron asked from next to me.

"It's a Hippogryff!" I exclaimed.

"Correct Y/n, 5 point ter Gryffindor. Now, who wants to say hello?"

I immediately raised my hand and didn't even notice everyone else backed up.

Well, everyone except for Harry.

"Good. Now come on up Harry, Y/n."

Harry looked around and saw he stood alone with me.

He gave Ron and Hermione a face and reluctantly went up to the beast with me.

We did the whole bow thing and were currently petting the creature.

"Well done!" Hagrid said and the class clapped. "I think he'll let you ride em now"

In one swift motion Hagrid hauled both of us on the Hippogryff with me in the front.

"Don' pull out non of 'is feathers. He won't than' ya for that" Hagrid slapped him on the butt and he took off.

Harry immeadiatly grabbed onto my waist and dug his face into my loose, brunette hair.

I blushed a little and as we reached the water, I spread my arms out wide and yell.

"Come on Harry, try it!"

He slowly slid his arms off of my waist and coppied me.

"WAAHOO!" He yelled.

Although, as soon as we started going up he immediately grabbed my waist again.

We landed and everyone clapped.

Everyone except Malfoy.

"Yeah you're not dangerous at all are you? You great ugly brute." Malfoy said as he advanced on Buckbeak.

"Malfoy" Hagrid said warningly but it was too late.

Buckbeak hit his elbow and Malfoy was rolling around on the ground in "pain".

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