End of 3rd Year

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"I'm going to miss you most of all."

Y/n's POV:

Me and Harry were walking to breakfast.

Sirius had gone into hiding 2 days ago and is now safe.

I'm super glad my dad isn't a serial killer.

We turn the corner into the great hall and see a bunch of kids surrounded by the Gryffindor table.

Neville and Seamus run up to us and ask, "Harry! Wherever did you get it?" "Can I have a go? After you of course."

Me and Harry were confused.

We walked over to the most crowded spot at the table and stood next to Ron.

"Let him through, let him through! Harry, I didn't mean to. I-it was badly wrapped and-and they made me do it!" Ron pointed at my favorite twins.

"Did not!" They say in sync. I love it when they do that.

Harry takes the brown wrapping off of the item and it's revealed.

It's a broom stick.

Not just any broom stick...

A firebolt.

I gap at it.

Even though I don't play quittich, I'm still a pretty decent flyer and love to watch the sport.

"Who's it from?" Harry asks.

"No idea," Hemrione says, "But this came with it."

She holds up one of Buckbeak's feathers.

I smile.

Sirius must have heard about Harry's broom flying into the Womping Willow.

He picks it up and runs outside.

Everyone follows him into the court yard.

He mounts it and immediatly zooms off into the sky.

I clap and cheer loudly.

An owl swoops down and lands on my shoulder.

It has a packege tied to its leg.

I take the packege off and it flies away.

I first take out the letter tied to the package and read it,


I didn't have this delivered to you in the Great Hall along with Harry's
broom because, everyone would ask about it. (And I wanted to show off Harry's new broom.)
Anyway. When ever you want to tell or ask me something, or even just say, "Hello"
just write in this book. I have one too. Whatever you write, I will see. And whatever
I write, you will see. This is so no one will be too suspicious of owls and no owls
will be intercepted. You're the only one that can open this book.
If anyone else tries to touch it, there is a burning jinx on it. I miss you and am
so proud of you. You look just like your mother. I'm sorry I had to leave so soon,
but just know this, I love you.



We were on the train ride back to London.

Uncle Moony said he would be sending my cousin Tonks to pick me up at platform 9 3/4.

I started a game with Ron in exploding snap while Hermione read her book and Harry just looked out of the window.

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