Train Ride Home

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"And that was for my book."

3rd Person POV:

Harry, Y/n, Hermione, and Ron drop off their luggage in the designated spot.

They go outside and get in the carriage with the thestrals pulling them.

Y/n smiles to herself.

She knows that they look weird, but no one's perfect.

Thestrals show that.

(A/n: guys, idk why Harry wasn't able to see them until next year. I'm just going with the movie on this one.)

The carriage stops and the four get off.

They get on the train after saying bye to Hagrid.

About 5 minutes later, the train starts moving.

Y/n puts in her headphones and starts playing 'obsessed' out of Olivia's new album, "Guts Spilled".

She'll have to tell Ginny about the new album later.

"Really Y/n? We're not going to see each other for a while and you're tuning us out with your music." Hermione scolds.

Y/n takes her earbud out.


Hermione sighs.

"Can you wait to listen to your music until later and just hang out with your friends right now?"

Y/n takes out her other earbud.


"So what are you guys doing this summer?" Ron asks.

"I'm just going to stay home with my parents." Hermione said.

"I might go visit Fleur in France."

"I'm probably staying home all summer." Ron says.

"I will be outside all day every day. Away from Dudley." Harry says.

Harry hasn't been taking much since the incident.

No one dares the bring it up though so no one really knows what to talk about.

An uncomfortable silence fills the cart.

"I'll be back. I'm going to the bathroom." Y/n says, breaking the silence and stands up.

She opens the compartment door and walks out.

She walks down the long hall and enters the lavatory.

She uses the toilet and washes her hands.

She looks in the mirror and decides to redo her hair.

She takes out the hair band and runs her fingers through it.

She puts in up in a half ponytail with the two front pieces hanging in her face.

She changes the length of the two pieces hanging a little bit so they look better.

Once she makes sure she looks good in the mirror she exits and walks back down the hall.

Blondie and his life support are blocking her path though.

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