Shopping & Sleep Overs

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(A/n: Don't play the song until you see ~these~)

Y/n's POV:

Hermione, Ginny, and I are going to go shopping in Hogsmead later for dresses to the Yule Ball and Christmas presents, then meet the boys at the Three Broomsticks.

I finish French braiding my hair and grab my purse.

I take a quick stop to make sure I look good in the mirror.

I take a quick stop to make sure I look good in the mirror

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(A/n: This is the fit. If u don't like it...I feel bad for u.)

I run down the stairs quickly because I'm late as always.

I reach the bottom of the steps and my clumsy ass trips on air.

Luckily, Harold catches me though.


"Woah, carful Y/n. They're still here. They knew you'd be late."

"Thanks Harry."

"No problem."

I see Hermione and Ginny standing by the portrait hole, waiting for me.

"See ya later Harry!"

I meet up with the girls and we leave.

"What was that??" Ginny asks.


"Oh come on Y/n, you know what she's talking about. You and Harry of course."

"Oh you mean me tripping and Harry catching me so I didn't fall on my face?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, that." Ginny says. "You and him were so awkward."

"Hey Ginny how are you and Michael Corner doing?" I say, putting the conversation over her head.

"Fine! I'll shut up." She mumbles.

"Soooo. Who are you guys going to the Ball with?" Hermione asks, changing the subject a little.

"Cedric asked me." I say, trying to hide a smile.

"He did!" Hermione says excitedly.

"Wait, you mean Cedric? As in Cedric Diggory, the Champion in Hufflepuff that every girl is crushing over?" Ginny says.

"Yep, sounds about right."

"OH MY GODRIC!" She yells really loudly.


"K, sorry. But that's just-...ÆÆÆ!" Ginny says.

"Ok Hermione, your turn. So who's the lucky guy?" I ask, bumping her with my elbow intentionally.

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