Dragons and Ferrets

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"Sorry to take you away from your girlfriend, but I want to talk to you."

Y/n's POV:

One night my beauty sleep gets interupted.

Harry is leaning over my bed, shaking me.

"Y/n...Y/n...Y/n!" He says quietly in order not to wake Hermione.

"What Harry?" I sigh while sitting up.

"I was just with Hagrid and-I just found out - the first task is dragons!" He whisper-yells.

"What?" I say a lot more awake now.

"I saw them. They have one for each of us. We have to fight them or something."

"Gosh Harry, I don't know what to say. But why did you have to wake me? Why couldn't it have been Hermione or Ro-" I cut myself off because I forgot about the Ron and Harry thing for a moment.

"You know what? Nevermind. Forget I said any of that. Just-can we talk about this tomorrow?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Um, I'll go now."

He gets up and walks to the door and closes it.

But before it closes all of the way he peeks his head in and says goodnight.

"Night." I reply, now unable to sleep because of that information.


Lessons with Moody continue and he even puts the imperius curse on us and we have to try to throw it off.

Harry was the only successful one though.

He made me hang from the fossil on the celing.

He also made me chase Malfoy around with a bucket of water.

He took the curse off of me at some point when I was chasing Malfoy, but I didn't let Malfoy know that.

Me and Harry walk out of another day in DADA and head to the courtyard where everyone is.

We're walking there and talking about the tournament.

"I can't believe I have to fight a dragon."

"You'll be fine... I think. I mean, you defeated the dark lord 3 times right? And one of them was as a baby."

"Hermione said people die in this tournament. And I'm three years younger that the others!" He said, completely ignoring my comment.

"That dosen't mean anything Harry."

"Yeah but-"

Harry runs into some Huffelpuffs wearing those jinxed buttons Malfoy made.

I saw some people wearing them this morning.

The 7th year in the front pushed the pin that said, "Support Cedric Diggory, the real Hogwarts champion." and it changed to, "Potter stinks."

"Excuse me." Harry said not-so politely.

They laughed at him and Harry grabbed my hand and shoved his way through them, dragging me along.

Once we were outside, Harry let go of my hand.

I have to jog to keep up with him because he's walking so fast.

He goes up to Cedric, who's laying on a bench with a bunch of Huffelpuffs around him.

Cedric's friends are saying insults to Harry when they notice him.

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