Lessons with Tonks

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"I did it!"

Y/n's POV:

I reached the stone gargoyle, out of breath and that's when I realized.

I  don't know the password.

"Crap. Uhh, Lemon drop, cockroach clusters, chocolate frogs, Bertie bots every flavor beans, acid pops..."

I can't think of anymore candies.

"Ton tongue toffees?" I said, giving up.

The gargoyle finally came alive and jumped aside.

I raised my brows in surprise.

Dumbledore used Fred and George's candy...?

How'd he even know about it?

Never mind. I don't have time for that right now.

I go up the stairs and knock on the large wooden door.

I hear a faint, "come in"

I open the door and Tonks is standing by Dumbledore's desk.

"Wotcher Y/n"

"Hey Tonks"

"You're late Miss. Ivrean"

"Yeah, sorry about that professor"

Dumbledore chuckles.

"It's quite alright"

"I'm so excited there's another metamorphmagus in the family!" Tonks says excitedly.

"You guys can use Professor Strickland's old classroom on the fourth floor to practice"

Tonks nods but I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Who's Professor Strickland?"

"She was the muggle studies teacher in my first and second year" Tonks says.

I nod in response and we leave the old man's office and head to the fourth floor.

We get to the unused classroom and shut the door.

"What can you do so far?"

"Well I can only make my hair change, but only when I get really angry or embarrassed."

Tonks nods.

"That's how it starts, strong emotion can change your features. Even when you get them under control."

Tonks puts a mirror in front of me.

"We're going to start off small. So I want you to think of a color, any color."

I think for a minute.


"Now, picture your eyes that color. Think really hard about it. You have to really want to change them that color."

I close my eyes and think really hard.

I open them and look in the mirror.

Nothing changed.

"It's ok. Try again. I didn't expect you to get it the first time."

I close my eyes again and think hard about the color.

I peek a little and nothing.

I try again, getting frustrated now.


I shut my eyes tightly and open them.

My eyes didn't change color but my hair sure did.

It's a shade of purple.

"That's the color I was trying to make my eyes." I say in disappointment.

"Well, it's a start."

I make a frustrated noise and continue trying.

20 minutes later, my eyes change the shade of purple my hair is.

"I did it!"

"Now, think about making your hair it's normal color."

My hair only took 8 tries to get back to its normal shade of y/c/h.

I kept working on my eyes and finally nailed it.

"Great! You're doing way better than I did when I was learning."

"I'm so excited! Now what?"

"We still have about 30 minutes so we can start with hair."



I climb through the portrait hole and into the common room.

I see Harry and Hermione in our usual spot by the fire.

I hop over the back of the couch, scaring Hermione half to death.

I'm laughing at Hermione's expression while she clutches her chest.

"Don't do that." She says.

"Noted. I'll do it more often now."

"So how did your meta-marga-mantis thing go?"

"Metamorphmagus." Hermione corrects.

"Oh what ever." Harry says in a bored tone.

"Watch my eyes." I say.

They look at me intently as I turn my eyes into Harry's emerald green, then Hermione's golden brown.

"Y/n that's so good!" Hermione says excitedly.

"That's really cool! When you get the whole changing thing down, can you turn into other people?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, which means I can turn into a teacher and give Malfoy detention."

Hermione rolls her eyes.

"I'm working on my hair too, but I haven't gotten the changing back to its normal color part down yet."

"When's your next lesson?" Hermione asks.

"Next Tuesday."

Hermione nods.

"You can add it to that planner I got you for Christmas last year!" She says excitedly.

"Yeah! I will."

I won't.

The bell rings, indicating lunch.

A/n: short chapter. Also, 1.59k reads!?! Thank you guys so much!

Word Count: 714

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