Chit chat with Ron

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"Hold up. Who said we like each other?"

Y/n's POV:


This place isn't just home to me and dad.

Apparently a bunch of aurors come and go all of the time for meetings and things.

I've gotten used to it.

The Weasley's came four days ago and they're staying here.

Except for Mr. Weasley and Percy.

It was quite a shock for Mrs. Weasley when she realized this is my dad's place.

I don't think she really trusts him still.

The Weasley kids are all staying on the third floor as well.

Ginny is in the first door closest to the stairs, Ron is in the room next to her, and Fred and George are on the complete opposite side of the hall as me.

When Hermione comes, she'll stay with Ginny.

And when Harry comes on the last week before we go back to school, he's to stay with Ron.

So I get my room all to myself.

Speaking of Harry...

Dumbledore came over the day after I arrived and said I have a limited amount of letters I can send to Harry and a limited amount of words per letter.

Also the letters can't mention anything about anything.

I wrote to him yesterday saying that I went to visit my Uncle Moony for three weeks because he just phased.

Harry believes it as far as I can tell.

I feel bad lying to him though.

I thought when I came here that it would just be me and dad, hanging out together.

But no.

He's too busy with the Order Of The Phoenix.

It's like he's bored of me now or something.

And I can't just hang around either.

We have to clean all day and work on making the house look livable.

I hate it.

And then we have to be upstairs during meetings.

Fred and George are making more things for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes like extendable ears.

So we used one to try and listen in on one of the meetings, but the door charmed.

Right now, me and Ginny are cleaning the sitting room while Fred, George, and Ron clean the study.

Me and Ginny have Olivia going for us as we're cleaning.

She didn't know about the Guts Spilled album so that's what we're currently listening to.

When she's not looking, I pull out my wand and whisper, "scourgify" a few times.

My side of the room cleans itself quickly.

I stand up and rub the thin layer of sweat off of my forehead.

Ginny turns around, using her cleaning broom as a microphone while she lip syncs the words.

She stops when she notices my clean side of the room.

"How'd you do that so fast?"

I smile and start walking away.

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