Time with Harold

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"Hey, love birds! Dinner's ready!"

(A/n: Buckle up boys, it's gonna be a long chapter)

Y/n's POV:

I was packing my things into my trunk for Hogwarts.

Mrs. Weasley surprised us by getting all of our things for us while we were at the Cup.

Speaking of the Cup, the picture in the sky and the image of the deatheaters never leaves my mind.

I told dad about everything that happened.

He hates Crouch now.

Well, he never really liked him in the first place, but the fact that he thought I was a deatheater...oof.

I begin putting my clothes into my trunk and someone walks in the room.

I turn to see who it is.

"Oh, hey Ginny."

"Sup Y/n. Uhh...can I keep the music player 'till tomorrow morning?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Thanks!" She says happily.

She flops down on her bed and puts the headphones in.

I finish packing my clothes and walk out of Ginny's room to go downstairs.

I see banana nut muffins on the table.

"Ooo muffins!"

Mrs. Weasley is standing in the kitchen, sorting laundry.

"Help yourself Y/n." She says.

I put one in my mouth and grab five more.

"Gank oo 'olly" I say with the muffin in my mouth and run back up the stairs.

I go to Ron's room and open the door without knocking.

I put all of the muffins on the table inbetween Harry and Ron's beds.

I sit on Harry's bed.

Hermione is on the floor, reading of course.

Ron is packing his Hogwarts things.

Harry is just laying on his bed.

Ron notices the muffins and immeadiatly grabs one.

He shoves it in his mouth like he hasn't eaten in days.


Ron jumps and turns around to look at Hermione.

"Wot?" he says with a mouthful.

"Have more manners!" She snaps.

Ron rolls his eyes and turns back to his packing.

Harry grabs a muffin and lays back down on his back.

Mrs. Weasley walks into Ron's room carrying a basket of laundry.

She puts it down ontop of Harry's closed trunk and pulls out two sets of wizard dress robes.

She lays out a nice, black and white set of dress robes ontop of Harry's bed and a colorful, lacy one on Ron's bed.

I try not to laugh at the item on Ron's bed while Ron stares at it in disgust.

"What the bloody hell is that?" He asks his mother.

"Your dress robes."

"Why do Harry's look nice? Why can't I have ones like that?" He asks.

Mon Amour |  Harry Potter x Y/n BlackWhere stories live. Discover now