F***ing Malfoy

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"I fucking hate Malfoy."

Y/n: Harry did pretty good in the second task.

Sirius: I heard he went under water for over an hour, what did he use? The bubble head charm?

Y/n: I don't know. I forgot to ask.

Sirius: You were there with him though

Y/n: I would have been if I wasn't busy sleeping with the fish.

Sirius: Wait, what?!

Y/n: Yeah, I was a part of the task. Harry had to come get me.

Sirius: YOU WERE-how long were you under water?!


Y/n: Maybe like, 10 hours?

Sirius: Did you give consent to it!?

Y/n: Well, McGonagall put us to sleep with the tea she offered. So no, not really.

Sirius: I'm gonna have to give Minnie a visit.

Y/n: You call her Minnie :D

Sirius: Yeah, we're besties!

I roll my eyes.

Y/n: Alright, bye dad!

Sirius: Bye kiddo

I close the jornal and put it in my backpack.

I look back up at the ghost who is supposedly "teaching" even though half of the class is asleep.

I don't even know what we're learning about.

I think it's something about goblin made weapons because the sword of Godric Gryffindor is on the board.

I lay my head down on the desk and look out of the window.

All of the owls are flying around freely outside.

That would be nice.

Wait, I CAN do that!

I sit up and tap Harry.

He lifts his head up and rubs his eyes under his glasses.

"What? Is the class over?" He sits up and starts to grab his bag.


He looks up and me.

"Then why'd you wake me?"

"Can you take my bag with you when you go?"

"Uhh, sure? Why?"

"I'm ditching."

His eyes open a little more.

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