12 Grimmauld Place

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"I missed you too dad."

Y/n's POV:

I wake up to my alarm at 4:45.


I hate waking up early.

I roll out of bed and grab my pair of clothes I left out.

I change right there because no one is up right now.

I toss my dirty clothes into my trunk and latch it shut.

Willow flew back in through the open window at some point last night so I get her in her cage and close the door.

I pull my trunk off of the bed and set it on its side with the wheels.

I set Willow on top of it with my guitar leaning up against it.

I still have 8 minutes so I quietly run down the stairs to grab a bit of breakfast.

There's a plate of hot, steaming oatmeal on the kitchen counter with a note.

I pick up the note and smile.

Bailey made this for me because she knew I was leaving in the morning, but she didn't know when I was to leave.

She also said there's an ever-warming spell on it so it doesn't get cold.

I smile and grab a bottled water out of the fridge.

I eat the oatmeal as I go up the stairs but don't finish it by the time I get to my room.

I have one minute on the clock so I bring the bowl to my lips and slurp the rest up.

I throw the bowl away in the trash and write a small note for Bailey and John.

"Ready to go?"

I jump and spin around, covering my mouth so I don't scream.

"How did you...what...?"

"They should lock their doors better." Kingsley says simply. "Grab your stuff. We have a small walk."

I walk across the room and sling my guitar over my back.

I hold Willow in one hand and pull my trunk in the other.

"Eh, that'll make a lot of noise."

Kingsley levitates my trunk down the stairs with one flick of his wand.

I quietly tip-toe down the steps and into the kitchen.

Trixy is washing the dishes and possibly preparing for breakfast.

She spins around when she hears me step on a creaking floorboard.



I put my finger to my lips.

"Goodbye Trixy. I will miss you."

She starts sobbing and that's my queue to leave.

I walk out the front door where Kingsley awaits me.

I grab my now unfloating trunk and drag it along behind me.

It's still dark since it's only 5:24.

No house lights are on and no one is around except for a stray cat.

We walk a little ways from the neighborhood and stop.

Kingsley grabs hold of my trunk and holds his arm out to me.

I take a deep breath and secure Willow in my hand before grabbing Kingsley's arm.

The levitating feeling and suffocation takes over in a dark space before it all stops.

Mon Amour |  Harry Potter x Y/n BlackWhere stories live. Discover now