The Golden Egg

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"You four will take part in the second task tomorrow."

Y/n's POV:

Me and Harry acted like nothing happen those few nights ago.

We exchanged gifts the next morning and Harry loved his watch I got him.

He stole my guitar and I never even noticed.

He gave it back to me with my name engraved on it and a spell that makes my music sound like it's coming from every corner of the room.

Hermione gave me mood changing press on nails and Ron got me a chocolate frog.

Just one frog.

He probably ate the rest.

We are talking about the golden egg that Harry has done absolutely nothing about.

"Harry you told me you figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now." Hermione scolds as the we walk across the bridge.

"Really!? I had no idea." Harry says sarcastically as we're looking over the Hogwarts grounds.

"I suppose Victor and Cedric have already figured it out." Harry says bitterly.

"Wouldn't know we didn't actually talk about the tournament....actually we didn't really talk at all." Hermione says after a pause. "Victor's more of a physical being."

I look at her with a smile creeping on my face.

She catches my eye and realizes what she said and starts laughing.

"I just mean he's not particularly patient. Mostly he watches me study. It's a bit annoying actually."

Harry looks at me.


"Cedric didn't mention anything about the egg."

Harry looked defeated.

"You are trying to figure out this egg aren't you?" Hermione asks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry asks, looking back at her.

"Just means these tasks are designed to test you." She replies.

"In the most brutal way, almost cruel." I add.

"And uhm, I'm scared for you." Hermione says.

"Make that two of us." I say. "No offense Harry but you need all the help you can get."

"You got by the dragons mostly on nerve...I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time." She says.

"Cedric at 7 o'clock." I inform.

"Hey Potter."

Harry tries to walk away.


"Cedric." Harry says, still walking and not looking at him.

Harry finally stops and turns around.

"How-how are you?" Cedric asks.

Me and Hermione side-eye each other.

Harry awkwardly glances at us and back at the Hufflepuff.


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