The Hearing

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"He got off, he got off, he got off—"

Y/n's POV:

Harry and Arthur left early this morning before anyone woke up.

Molly made French Toast for breakfast.

She's still a little pissed with Dad.

When I walked into the kitchen, I was the last one in there.

I mean, it is 10:30, so I was the last to wake up.

"Hi kiddo." Dad says when he passes me in the doorway.

"Morning Dad."

I sit in between Uncle Moony and Hermione.

Molly brings over the plate of toast and no one really grabs any.

We're all too worried about Harry's hearing.

"Oh eat up will you! I spent all morning making this." Molly says when no one but Ron moves.

I grab one pice of the diagonally cut toasts and take a small bite out of it.

I end up eating half of it before feeling uneasy.

"Are you going to finish that Y/n?"

I shake my head and push my plate forward.

Ron happily eats the rest of it.

"I know you're all stressed about Harry, but he'll be fine. We can hope for the best." Uncle Moony says.

I smile softly.

I won't survive the year without him there.

- - -

We're trying to pass the time.

Ron and I are playing chess in his and Harry's room while Hermione reads ahead.


"Damn it. Start it again."

Ron smirks and resets the board.

"What are we learning this year Hermione?" I ask as I move one of my pawns.

"In potions we're going to learn about poisons and the anecdotes. And that's as far as I've gotten. I don't know who the DADA teacher is this year, but they're giving us free books at the school." She says.

Ron moves his knight.

"Weird. We usually have to pay for the books."

I capture his knight with my rook.

"Looks like there's a subject you won't be able to get ahead on this year." Ron says.

His queen gets my rook.

Hermione sighs.

"I know Ron."

The door downstairs opens and closes.

Me and Ron look at the door when we hear Arthur's voice.

We look at each other and I sprint past Hermione and out the door.

I slide down the banister and land clumsily on the ground.

Grandma Black's portrait starts screaming.


I half run to the door where Molly is hugging Harry.

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