Double Ships

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"Oh, I don't know. Maybe something that starts with V and ends with icktor Krum?"

Y/n's POV:

I'm sitting next to Hermione in the great hall, watching people put their names in the goblet.

Hermione is just reading a book.


It's satisfying to watch.

The fire turns blue and engulfes the piece of paper in flames.

Harry and Ron enter the hall and sit infront of us.

"Anyone from Gryffindor put their name in?" Ron asks.


But just then, Angelina enters the hall with some gryffindores' surrounding her.

I cheer with the other Gryffindors when she puts her name in.

She sits neart us and I lean towards her.

"Angelina, I hope it's you."

She smiles.

"Thanks Y/n. I'm hoping I get it too. My parents will be very proud."


I turn away from Angelina and look at the two dorks that just entered the hall.

"WE'VE DONE IT LADS!" Fred yells

"COOKED IT UP JUST THIS MORNING" George announces proudly.

"It's not going to wOooooorkkkkkKKkk!" Hermione sing songs from next to me.

Fred and George trun to her, then look at eachother and smile.

They move to sit on either side of her.

Fred shoves me out of the way, and into Harry.

He winks at me and turns back to Hermione.

I get off of Harry with my cheeks slightly red, not meeting his eyes, and sit on the bench next to him.

"Oh yeah? And why's that Granger?" George challenges.

"You see this?" She points at the age line around the goblet.

"This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

Fred sniggers a little, "So?"

Hermione closes her book and scoffs.

"So! A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted as an ageing potion."

"Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant."

"Cause' he's so pathetically dimwitted."

The got up, shook their vials, and linked arms.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

"Bottoms up!" They said in sync.

They drank the potion and jumped into the circle.

Nothing happens.

Everyone starts cheering.

"YeeeeeeeeeEEEES!" They say excitedly.

They put their papers in and for a moment, nothing happens.

Then the goblet turns red and they get thrown out of the circle.

They both quickly start growing long, white beards.

They sit up and look at eachother.

"You said-"

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