Bad News

602 19 13

~~~You will move to a nice wizarding family on Friday the 16th.~~~

I had been home at Lupin Cottage for about 2 weeks now.

I was making scrambled eggs for breakfast while Uncle Moony was making the bacon.

I hear tapping and look over at the window above the sink.

There's a big, grey owl.

I open the window and it flies in and lands on the dining table.

I don't recognise the owl but I take the letter from it and it takes off back through the open window.

"Who's that from?" Uncle Moony asks.

"No idea."

I see fancy handwriting on the front of the letter adressed to me.

I open the wax seal on the back and take out a letter.

Y/n Black,

The ministry has found out that you are currently living with Remus Lupin.
They do not want this and demand me to move you due to his...condition.
You will move to a nice wizarding family on Friday the 16th. They are
a lovely couple named Mrs. Bailey Clarks and Mr. John Clarks.
You will stay with them for the rest of the summer and maybe next
summer if necessary. My deepest apologies.
Two aurors will arrive at Lupin cottage on Friday the 16th at 10:00 am.

Sincerly, Albus Dumbledore

"What is it?"

I turn to face Uncle Moony, still staring at the letter in my hands.

I don't want to move.

Especially with strangers.

Uncle Moony reads the letter and looks at me with tears in his eyes.

I hug him, crying.

"It's going to be alright." He said, stroking his finger through my soft hair.


(Y/n) - Sirius. The ministry is making me move because
Uncle Moony is a werewolf. I will have to move in with a
wizarding couple on Friday. I don't want to.

I put my quill down and sigh.

I walk over to my closet and open it.

Might aswell get some packing done while waiting for dad's reply.

I pull out some winter clothes and pack them first since I won't need them for a while.

I had put an undetectible extention charm on my trunk.

Tecnically I'm not allowed to do magic outside of school, but when you live in a wizarding home, they can only see what spells are casted, not who casts them.

I bent down to grab some shoes that I hardly ever wear out of the bottom of my closet but see a box.

I pull out the dusty box.

I blow the dust off of the top.

I open it and see my childhood stuffed animal.

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