Visit in Hogsmead

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"I wish Harry were here."

We were in Hogsmead.

By we I mean Me, Hermione, and Ron.

"I wish Harry were here." I sighed while patting down some snow on the snowman me and Hermione were working on.

"Yeah, me too." Hermione says from next to me.

We finish the snowman and walk over to Ron who is looking at the Shreiking Shack.

Just then, I heard the most annoying voice ever.

"Well well well. Shopping for a new home Weaslbee? Bit grand for you isn't it? Dosen't your family sleep in a, one room?" He askes laughing along with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Shut you mouth Malfoy." Ron says weakly.

"Ooo not very friendly. Boys, I think it's time we teach Weaslebee, how to respect his superiors." He laughed.

Hermione stepped foreward and pulled out her wand. "I hope you don't mean yourself."

"How dare you speak to me. You filthy little Mudblood."

"Ok thats it!" I storm up to Malfoy.

Ron tries to hold me back but I wriggle out of his grip.

Malfoy starts backing up. He stops when he gets to a tree and I punch him in the face.

His head hits the back of the tree and I use this oppertunity and kick him in the nuts.

He bends down in pain with one hand still on his nose.

He stands back up and is about to attack me when a snowball hits him in the face.

He turns to see who did it but another snowball comes at him.

Crabbe's pants fall down and when he bends down to pick them up some invisable force kicks him to the ground.

Goyles beanie falls over his eyes and he trips backwards over Crabbe.

I clutch my sides from laughing so hard.

Malfoy gets knocked to the ground and the invisable force drags him down a hill by his feet.

I hold onto Ron for support because of how hard I'm laughing.

Crabbe and Goyle get up and run after Malfoy.

Something pulls at Hermione's hair and Rons hat string.

I feel arms wrap around my waste and pick me up off of the ground.

"Harry!" Hermione says, laughing.

"Harry! Put-me-down!" I say inbetween hitting his arm.

He finaly puts me down and puls off the invisability cloak.

"Blimey Harry. That was not funny!" Ron says.

We all laugh and head back through town with the invisability cloak over him.

He told us about the Murarder's map and Ron commented, "Stupid weasles! Never told me about any map!"

We see the minister of magic talking to Madam Rosmerta.

"That's Madam Rosmerta, Ron fancys her." Hermione explained to Harry.

"Harry Potter?" She says loudly.

We turn to her and I turn back to Harry as they go inside only to see footprints following them.

We see the door open and close by its self and catch it before it closes all of the way.

"No underadge wizards today!" One of the heads said. "Shut the damn door!" Another yelled.

"So rude." Hermione said. I give them the middle finger before Hermione closes the door all of the way.

"Did she just-" I hear one of the heads say before the door finaly shuts.


I slowly pull the invisability cloak off of Harry only to find him sobbing. It broke my heart.

"He was their friend, and he betrayed them." He said quietly. "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!" He yelled this time. I winced a little because I was so close to him.

The saddness seemed to turn into anger.

"I hope he finds me. Because when he does, I'm gonna kill him!" He yelled again.

I'm honestly scared for my father. Even if what Harry was saying is true.


It's the next day and the day of Buckbeak's exacution.

Me and Hermione didn't find anything in the library to help him.

We walk down the grounds to go see Haggrid before it happens.

As were about to go down there we see Barbie and his minions.

He's looking at Hagrids hut with binoculars.

Zabini nuges Malfoy's shoulder and he turns to look at us.

"ahh come to see the show!"

"You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Hermione says putting her wand to his throat.

"No Hermione. He's not worth it." I give Ron a confused look and say, "Do it Hermione! Daddy's boy deserves it!"

Hermione slowly lowers her wand and turns around.

Malfoy started laughing and Hermione whipped around and punched him square in the face.

I laughed as he started to run off. I sent a tripping jinx at him from afar and I could tell it him him when I heard him yelp.

"That felt good!" Hermione stated.

"Not good, brilliant!" Ron said more excited.

"It was great Hermione." I pat her on the back.

"Let's go." Harry said urgently.

A/n: I know. I forgot to include the Quittich game and I'm too lazy. Also I'm just rushing the Prisinor of Azkaban because I have a plan for the Goblet of Fire.

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