The Goblet of Fire

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Y/n's POV:

I hopped off of the carrage last.

I let Ron, Harry, and Hermione go first so I could pet the thesteral without being questioned.

I stroked it inbetween the eyes a couple of times before I ran off to join the others.

I dramaticly pushed through Harry and Ron.

"Hey boys, race you to the doors."

"Your on!" Ron chalenges.

"Hermione count us down." Harry says, getting into a running position.

Hermione rolls her eyes and says,

"Drie...zwei...Eins!" She says.

I sprinted off.

"What?" Ron said, confused.

Probably because Hermione said it in German.

Harry however, didn't hesitate and ran right after me.

People in the way quickly moved and I slowed down as I neared the double oak doors.

I touched the door and bent over exhausted.

I put my hands on my knees and breathed heavily.

I haven't ran like that since I chased Fred for the photograph.

Harry touched the door just barly after me.

"Ha! I-I beat you!" I say inbetween breaths.

Harry rolls his eyes.

Ron jogs up to us, out of breath.

"No fair! We need a redo." He complains.

"Nope!" I say, popping the p.

I see Hermione is taking her sweet old time walking so I say,

"Come on, Hermione is taking too long."

They look over at her and nod their heads in agreement.

I let Harry and Ron walk infront of me.

Something big and red falls infront of Harry and bursts at his feet.

It's a water balloon.

I overheard Peeves talking to Fred and George about it last year.

Harry jumps back and looks up.

He looked up at the wrong time though because a water balloon hit his face.

I double over, laughing extremely hard.

Harry slowly turns around and looks at me.

I just laugh harder when I see his face.

Malfoy shoves past me, and when he sees Harry, he bursts out laughing and points at him as he walks by.

Harry takes off his glasses and dries them off using my shirt.


Harry ignores me and continues to dry his glasses and himself off.

Ron had gotten his hair and feet wet when Harry was hit.

Hermione came up next to me.

"What happened to you guys?" She asks casually.

"Peeves happened." Ron said grimly.

I hear laughter behind me and turn around.

Gred andd Feorge are holding onto eachother, laughing really hard.

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