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"Why do you have a spoon in your pocket?"

(A/n: since they're splitting up, there'll be mostly third person POVs. From now on when you see a ~~~ that means switching focus onto a different character, not a time skip. You'll get it.)

3rd person POV:

Y/n has to leave three days before the other kids in the house have to go back to school, so she'd been slowly packing.

She can't use her Hogwarts trunk so she had to get Uncle Moony to bring her old Beauxbaton one out of his attic at his cottage.

She pulls a box off of the top of her shelf and the shoebox with all of her pictures and letters falls and everything inside pours out onto the floor.

Y/n sighs and bends down to pick up the pictures.

When she sees one of her and her mum, her eyes start to tear up.

She hadn't thought of her mum lately with everything else going on, but of course she had to be reminded that she had no mother.

The closest thing to a mother figure she has is Molly.

She does have Bailey, but she's so young, she's like an older sister.

Y/n picks up a family photo with her dad holding her on his shoulders, beaming at the camera while her mum is holding baby Y/n's hand.

Wet splotches start appearing on the photographs as she cries onto them.

"Oh mum..." her voice cracks as she picks up a picture of her mum when she was in Hogwarts.

She looks at the photo for a bit longer, noticing her hair being blond with a strip of pink instead of the usual strawberry blonde.

Y/n feels that familiar lurch in her gut to change her hair to look like what her mum always wore.

She allows herself to, but when the pink strand comes in, it turns a blue/green color instead.

She looks in the mirror and sees that her eyes involuntarily changed to that blue/green color as well.

The color is familiar but she can't quite put a finger on it at first.

Then she realizes that it's the color of Harry's eyes and changes it to Gryffindor red.

She decides she likes the look and leaves it be for now.

She dries her eyes and continues packing.


Harry had obviously been in a bit better of a mood knowing that Y/n likes him back and those kisses weren't a lead on.

But that also made him feel worse because now Y/n is going away and he won't see her again for a long time.

He feels the pulse in his necklace slow down which is weird.

It's supposed to speed up with her heart rate, not slow.

Something's wrong.

"Hey Hermione," he says to her as she passes by the living room. "when can someone's heart rate slow down?"

"Well, it slows when you're asleep, but everyone knows that, and after an exercise, or crying. But the crying one is pretty subtle. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, it was for a trivia question. Ginny and I were playing earlier and I got that one wrong." He says.

Harry's surprised with himself for how easily he lied.

"Ok, well I'm going to help Y/n pack. Also, I want to play trivia with you guys next time." She says and heads upstairs.

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