Professor Moody & Chat With Fleur

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"You for certain like Harry."

Y/n's POV:

"Professor Alastor Moody"

Professor Moody said as he wrote it on the black board.

He turned around and faced the class.

"Ex-Ministry Arour. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. The end, goodbye. Any questions?"

No one raised their hands or said anything.

"You are well caught up on creatures as Professor Lupin has informed me. But very behind on curses."

He turned around to write that on the boards under his name.

He started explaining curses when he suddenly raised his voice.

"-You need to find somewhere else to put your chewing gum Mr. Finnigan!"

Everyone turned to look at Seamus.

He rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

"No way the old git can see out of the back of his head." I heard Seamus mutter behind me.

Professor Moody spun around and threw the chalk in his hand at Seamus.


I had to duck so the chalk wouldn't hit me.

"Now, who can tell me what the three curses are?"

I, of course knew them, but I didn't really want to say them.

"Weasley!" He suddenly shouted.

"Yes?" Ron said nervously.


He did.

"Give us a curse." Moody demanded.

"Oh, uh. Well, my dad did tell us about one...the imperius curse."

Moody looked pleased.

"Ohhh your father would know all about that. Gave the minestry quite a lot of trouble a couple of years back."

He walked up to his desk and grabbed a weird bug out of a jar.

"Engorgeo." He made the big bigger.


His wand was still pointed at it when it jumped onto Dean's hand.

Dean was trying not to freak out.

Then it jumped onto Parvati's hand.

Her whole face morphed into fear.

Then it jumpd onto Ron's face.

He looked like he was about to pass out.

I was rolling on the floor, laughing.

I couldn't breathe it was so funny.

"What're you laughing at!" Moody barked.

I paused for a moment, thinking he was talking about me.

But no. He meant Malfoy.

I got back in my seat next to Hermione so I could see.

It was on Malfoy's head and he was franticly trying to get it off.

The whole class was dying of laughter including myself.

He flew it off of Malfoy and it landed on my shoulder.

I stopped laughing and looked at it.

Unlike everyone else who just panicked and tried to get it off when it landed on them, I looked at it.

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