Prefects and Pictures

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"There's plenty more where that came from."

Y/n's POV:

"Harry!? Where's Harry?"

"I don't know."

"Probably in Y/n's room."

Loud footsteps can be heard as the door to my room opens.

I don't open my eyes and pretend to be asleep.

Dad sighs and closes the door.

I smile slightly and relax again.

"I did not want to get up right now." A raspy voice says next to me.

I turn my head a bit.

"I thought you were still asleep." I say quietly.

When he doesn't respond I roll over and see him already facing me.

Harry looks different without his glasses.

I smile at him and move a piece of his short hair out of his face.

"Who cut your hair? No offense, but it looks awful."

He chuckles.

"Too bad I don't have your freaky changing thing or I could make it longer."

I gasp dramatically.

"I'm offended. You think so little of me. Obviously I know some spells that can fix that right up."

He smiles again.

I close my eyes, still tired.


Well that didn't last long.

I pretend to be asleep again.


Someone apparated in here.

That means-


I sigh and roll over.

"Do you guys have anything better to do?"

"Nope." George says, looking at the photo.

"Anyway," Fred says. "Hermione is looking for you guys."

Him and George apparate out of the room.

I groan.

Harry climbs out of the bed on the end since I'm in the way and a wall is blocking the other side.

"Come on N/n. We don't want to spend our last day of summer sleeping."

"Haha. Funny." I say sarcastically.

I get out of bed and Hermione walks in with Ron following behind.

"Finally, you two are up." Hermione says casually.

"Booklists have arrived," Ron says, throwing one of the envelopes up to Harry.

"About time, I thought they'd forgotten, they usually come much earlier than this." He said.

"Where's mine?" Hermione asks.

"Oh, mum still has yours." Ron replies without looking at her.

Ron hands me mine and I set it down on the bed.

"I'm going to change first."

They nod and I dig through my bag for an outfit.

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