Yule Ball (Part 1/2)

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"I can't believe that's Y/n Ivrean!"

Y/n's POV:

Me, Hermione, Ginny, and Fleur are in Hermione and my's dorm, getting ready.

I finish doing Ginny's makeup while Fleur does my hair.

Hermione, whose hair and makeup is already done, is getting rid of any wrinkles in our dresses.

Fleur finishes my hair and takes a step back.

We're both admiring it in the mirror.

"You look beautiful Miss. Balcony."

I roll my eyes.

"Seariously? We're still at Miss. Balcony?"

"Yep," She says, "and you always will be."

Hermione comes over and does my makeup for me while Fleur and Ginny put their dresses on.

Hermione finishes my makeup so we put our dresses on as well.

I check the time.

"Oh! I got to go guys, Cedric will be here in two minutes."

"Ok, we'll be down there in a little bit." Hermione says while adjusting her shoes.

"Good luck!" Ginny says.

Fleur comes up to me and we kiss each other on the cheek.

"Tu grandis vraiment vite." She says admiringly.
(You really are growing up fast.)

"Oh ferme-le." I say as I close the dorm door.
(Oh shut it.)

I go down the common room stairs and out of the portrait hole.

Cedric  is already there, leaning against the wall.

He looks at me when he hears me exit the portrait.

He pushes himself off of the wall and we look each other up and down.

He's wearing plain black and white dress robes, but he can definitely pull them off.

"Wow...you look...amazing." He says astonished.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." I compliment.

He smiles and holds his arm out.

I take it and we walk to the Great Hall, talking about the usual.

The tournament, the ball, (Harry,) the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, ect.

We turn the corner and walk down the stone steps.

Almost everyone was right there, outside the hall.

And all of their eyes were on us as we walked down the steps.

There were a million thoughts going through my head as everyone was watching us walk down the stairs.

Some of them being,

'I hope I don't trip right now'

'This is a lot of pressure'

'Maybe they're starting because I don't look good enough,'

'This is a little embarrassing not gonna lie.'

We reach the bottom of the steps and people start turning back around.

I do hear a few whispers from people around us though.

"I can't believe that's Y/n Ivrean!"

"She was always pretty but...wow."

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