Luna Lovegood

245 11 4

"The carriage is pulling itself, as always."

Y/n's POV:

(A/n: I am deciding that Y/n has brunette hair with blonde highlights and hazel eyes. Sorry for those who don't have that 😕)

I walk alongside Ron and Hermione through Kings Cross Station.

Mad Eye thought it would be better if we went without our luggage and aurors could apparate it onto the train.

A black shaggy dog ran up to Harry and tugged on him.

Worry and excitement runs through my mind at the sight of the dog.

Anyone could see him!

"Padfoot! Are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation!" Mad Eye scolds.

The dog pulls on Harry's sleeve and looks at me and nods his head towards a waiting room.

I oblige and follow behind Harry into the empty room.

Dad changes back into himself and pulls a fur robe tightly around himself.

"Sirius, what are you doing here!" Harry says as soon as I close the door.

"If somebody sees you-"

"Well I had to see you two off didn't I?" Dad interrupts.

I smile.

"What's life without a little risk?" He says.

He sits down so I sit next to him and Harry takes a place next to me.

"I don't want you to get shut back in Azkaban!" Harry says to him.

"Dad, I get it. You want to get out. Being cooped up in there all summer was not fun, but it's dangerous."

"I didn't think my own daughter would be disciplining me, but here we are."

I can't help but smile a bit at that.

"Anyway," Dad sighs and pulls out a folded photograph. "I wanted to give you two this."

He unfolds it and hands it to me.

I hold it in front of me and Harry so he can see too.

"It's the original Order of the Phoenix." Dad says.

He started pointing out people in the picture such as Mad Eye and Neville's parents.

I never knew they were in the Order.

Now that I think about it, I've never heard Neville mention them.

"... and here's your mum Y/n, and your parents Harry." Dad says, pointing to two couples.

One with Dad holding the hand of a young faced girl with green eyes and strawberry blonde hair, and the other with a man with messy jet black hair and glasses standing with a girl with blue eyes and wavy hair.

I recognized my mum immediately.

Though, she must've changed her hair and eye color because the last picture I saw of her the had my brunette hair and blonde highlights.

I smile at the sight of her.

I don't have many photos of my mom.

Just the few that she's in of the pictures of me as a baby.

"14 years and not a day that I don't miss your dad Harry." Dad says.

After a bit of silence, Harry speaks.

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