The First DA Lesson

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"And I realized that we need a name for the meetings and- how about Dumbledore's Army?"

Y/n's POV:

After a week of no one coming up with a good place to practice, I decide to show the room on the 7th floor.

I drag Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, George, Fred, and Neville up to the 7th floor during lunch.

I pace in front of the wall for a moment, thinking of a place to practice.

"What are you-"

"Shh! I'm trying to think."

Eventually I hear the falling sand sound look up at the doors beginning to appear out of the wall.

The others look surprised.

I walk to the big doors and go inside.

Slowly, the others follow me in.

"Y/n...this is perfect." Harry says, walking around the room.

There's a corner with bean bag chairs and a shelf of books on the Dark Arts.

Dummy Death Eaters with fake wands.

And mirrors around the whole room.

"You found the Room of Requirement." Hermione says.

"The what?" Ron asks.

"It's also known as the come and go room? The Room of Requirment only appears when a person has real need of it. And it's always equipped for the seekers needs." Hermione says.

"So...say you really needed the toilet..." Ron says.

I roll my eyes.

"Charming Ronald. But yes, that's the general idea."

"It's perfect." Harry says. "It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back."

- - -

The day of the first meeting is finally decided once me and Harry figure out a day with no quittich practices.

Hermione has been trying to figure out something we can use to communicate the dates of meetings with each other without being suspicious.

"I think I'm going to use coins... but I don't know how to make them all change and show dates." She says as she stares at three gallions in her hand.

Ginny walks over to us.

"Ok so I've been thinking about a name for-"




Ginny drops her voice to a whisper.

"I've been thinking. And I realized that we need a name for the meetings and- how about Dumbledore's Army? D.A. for short."

"That sounds great to me."

"I like it."

"Mhm, sounds good. Harry?"

We all look at the raven haired boy next to me.

"Erm. Sure."

I smile.

"Ok, I just thought I'd tell you. Got to go." She runs back over to her friends and heads out of the common room.

"Hey Hermione, what if someone does tell Umbridge about all of this."

"I jinxed the paper we all signed." She looks up at Ron with a happy fire in her eyes. "They would regret it. Trust me."

- - -

"Today, I thought we'd start off with a simple spell that I've used many times. Expeliarmus." Harry says as we stand at the front.

"Y/n..." he looks over at me and I back up so I can demonstrate the spell.

"A simple clockwise circular movement with your wrist. Expeliarmus!"

Harry's wand flies out of his hand and into my own.

I toss it back to him.

"Let's get into two lines and we'll start practicing on the dummies."

There's murmuring and shuffling as everyone gets into the two lines.

Harry and I stand on the outside of both lines.

The dummy Death Eater raises its wand as Neville walks up a bit.

"It's alright Neville, expeliarmus."

He twists his wand a minute before raising it and shouting 'expeliarmus' at the dummy.

His wand flies out of his hand and hits the mirror behind him.

Everyone ducks out of the way.

"I'm hopeless." Neville says.

"You're just flourishing your wand too much." Harry says.

He moves out of the way and the next person comes forward.

We do that until everyone has gone, then everyone splits up into pairs of two to practice against each other.

A lot of people get the hang of it pretty quickly.

Neville, being one of the ones who didn't.

"Alright everyone, that's going to conclude the first practice for today." Harry says.

A gather of 'aww's fills the room.

"Well done everyone. We'll let you know when the next meeting will be as soon as we can."

"Be careful on the way out. Maybe go in groups of 3 to 5."

Harry pulls out the map.

My eyes widen a bit.

"Everyone'll see it!" I whisper.

"It's fine." He says.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good. Alright first group can go."

- - -

I'm sitting on my bed, finishing up some transfiguration homework, when a black owl comes through the open window.

It lands on my propped up knee.

I put my quill down and untie the letter from its foot.

It has my first name on the front.

No last name.

The owl hoots.

"Oh, sorry."

I grab one of Willow's treats out of the drawer on my nightstand and give it to the bird.

It hoots and flies back through the window.

I open the letter.

Y/n, I'm sorry, but I've made
my decision. You will go back
to Beauxbatons after winter
break. Harry told me what that
bitch of a teacher did to you in
detention. (I'm very proud of
you for getting detention and
for that reason too, but this is
not the time.) You can return to Hogwarts when Umbridge is gone.
I'm doing this because I love you.


A/n: How do you guys think she will know to go to and how she'll get to the ministry??? I already have the how she knows part figured out I just don't know how she'll get there. Because she can't apparate yet.

Word count: 946

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