Déjà Vu

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"Lift up your sleeve girl. Now!"

Y/n's POV:

Fred and George asked me to paint their faces.

I did.

I also painted a small...inappropriate, picture on their foreheads.

(They don't know yet.)

Harry was really sweet and bought us all omnioculars.

Even though I refused profusely.

We were walking up to the top box.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself." Harry teases.

I breathed out heavily.

"Yeah...yeah this is real fun." I say sarcastically.

I hate walking up stairs.

"You're so lazy." Harry comments.

I glare at him.

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron asks.

"Let's just say, if it rains. You'll be the first to know" I hear a snarky voice say from below us.

I look down and see Barbie and the man who hears about everything, glaring at us.

"Me and father are in the minister's box." Draco says. "By personal invatation of Cornelius Fuge himself!"

Mr. Malfoy wacks his cane in Draco's chest.

"Don't boast Draco...there's no need with these people." He glances up at Aurther.

I pull Harry away and grab Hermione by the arm.

Harry stops moving and I look over to see why.

The snake fangs on Mr. Malfoy's cane were digging into Harry's jacket sleeve.

"Do enjoy yourself, for now." He says creepily.

"When you're done being sketchy, we'd like to get going now." I try to rip the cane off of Harry's sleeve.

"Struggling, Black?" He says.

I pause and stare at him.

How does he know my surname?

He smirked at my blank and confused expression.

I go back to trying to get the cane off of Harry's arm.

"Just let it go already Elsa."

He scrunches his face up at the name of the Muggle princess and takes his cane off.

Hermione explained the Disney stuff with muggles to me.

Harry rubs where the fangs peirced his jacket and we walk up the stairs.

"Are you alright?"

"How did he know you?" Harry asks, ignoring my question.

"I don't know but Harry, his cane didn't catch any skin did it?" I ask, examinig his arm.

"Y/n this is serious," Hermione says from next to me.

"What's so serious?" Ron asks from infont of us.

"My dad."

They all look at me.

"It was just a joke!" I put my arms up in defence.

"We're wondering how Mr. Malfoy knew Y/n's real name." Hermione tells him.

"That's a little creepy." Ron says.

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