The First Task

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Y/n's POV:


Me and Hermione have been working with Harry on the summoning charm ever since Moody suggested the broom thing.

Today, we're going to hope all of that practice payed off.

Because today it the day or the first task.

Wish us luck.

I close my diary, stand up off of my bed and stretch.

I got up earlier than Hermione today, out of nerves.

Not voluntarily.

I put my shoes on and grab my wand.

I'm wearing a thick jumper and muggle jeans.

I quite like the muggle style not going to lie.

I quietly walk out of the room and shut the door.

I make my way to the 4 year boys' dorm and crack it open enough for my head to fit through. 

Neville is sleeping straight as a board, neatly tucked in.

Dean is sleeping on his side  with a curtain open.

Seamus has a foot hanging off of the bed, is on his stomach, the blankets and sheets are falling off of the bed, his pillow is on the floor, and his mouth is open and slightly drooling.

(A/n: I sleep like this lol...minus the drooling.)

Ron is also on his stomach, blankets messed up but still on him, and snoring loudly.

Harry is...not there.

Harry's bed is vacant and looks like it hadn't been touched.

Their bathroom door is open with the lights off so he's definitely not in there.

I cast silencio on myself and dig through his truck.

I grab his jumper since it's very cold out and the Murarder's Map.

I take one more look around and close the door.

I open the map in the hallway and mutter,

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."

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