Yule Ball (part: 2/2)

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"May I?"

Y/n's POV:

I danced with Cedric until I was hungry again.

This time, he went with me to the bar.

I grab some food and see where I can sit.

I spot Harry, George, Ron, and Padma sitting at a table and Hermione is standing in front of them.

"Uhm, Cedric do you mind if I go sit with my friends?"

"No, go ahead. I promised someone a dance so if you need me, that's where I'll be." He points to a spot by the edge of the dance floor.

"Ok, thank you."

I walk over as Padma angrily storms away and so does Hermione.

I sigh.

"Ron...how did you manage to scare her away this time?"

His arms are crossed and he's slumped in his chair.

"Shut up." He mumbles.

I sit down between Harry and George.

I start eating but a little rat that is about 5'5", has black hair, and glasses, starts eating my food too.

I slowly turn and look at him.

He continues eating my food and doesn't realize for a moment that I'm staring at him.

He finally looks up at me with food in his mouth.

He gets the message.

"Sorry." He says when he swallows.

I shake my head and turn around to see who's dancing.

Malfoy with Greengrass, Fred with Angelina, Cedric with Chang-...wait, I thought Cho was with Harry?

I look at Harry who is once again, eating my food.

"I thought you came with Cho?"

"I did. She didn't really like me stepping on her feet very much though, now she's dancing with your date."


The Weird Sisters finish and it's back to the traditional music.

George stands up and moves in front of me.

He holds his hand out.

"Can I have this dance?"

I laugh


I take his hand and we run to the dance floor.


I do a sarcastic curtsy to George and decide to look for the person I actually came here with.

I see him laughing with Chang by the Great Hall doors.

I should be jealous but, Im not.

Cedric looks up and spots me.

He says something to Chang then advances towards me.

Once he reaches me he says, "Hey, I'm done. So I'm going go but-it was great. I enjoyed coming here with you and, sorry I spent so much time with Cho-"

"It's fine." I say, cutting him off. "I can see it in your eyes. You really like her. Now, you're dismissed."

He smiles and grabs my hand.

He kisses it gently.

"Thank you Y/n. For the wonderful night and understanding."

Mon Amour |  Harry Potter x Y/n BlackWhere stories live. Discover now