The Little Town By Grimmauld Place

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"What's a boutique again?"

Y/n's POV:

Hermione arrived 2 days ago.

Ginny, Hermione, and I got permission to go out today.

This is rare because Molly and Dad don't want us getting jumped on the street.

"There's a little town 2 blocks from here. Make sure you have your wand in case you need it, but don't use it unless you have to. We can't afford to get into trouble with the ministry. And be back in an hour!" Dad explains/yells to me as I'm standing by the door, ready to leave.

"Yep, got it. Bye dad love you!" I say as I close the door.

"Let's go. Before they change their minds." I say to Hermione and Ginny.

We link arms and walk.

It's been super hot recently, but it rain last night so it's cool out.

"I'm so glad we get to get out for once." Ginny says.

"Yeah, it's nice to finally take a break from cleaning."

"Definitely. How was your summer Hermione?" Ginny asks.

"It was fine. My parents got a bonus at work so they had some extra money. I used a bit of it on books and I'm saving the rest for Hogsmead." She says.

"I wish my parents did that. We barely have enough to buy school supplies." Ginny replies.

"How about you Y/n? Is it nice being back with your dad again?" Hermione asks me.

I shrug.

"It was nice the first day when it was just is two, but with the or-"

"Y/n!" Hermione scolds.

"Ooordeal meet and greets, he sort of forgets about me." I say instead of order.

"I'm sure he still loves you just the same and is just a bit busy at the moment." Hermione says, trying to cheer me up.

I half heartedly smile.

"Ok 'Mione."

We make it to the little string of shops that Dad described as a "town".

"Let's go to that boutique." Hermione points out.

"What's a boutique again?" I ask.

"I thought you lived in a muggle neighborhood." Hermione asks.

"I did...but that doesn't mean I know everything about muggles."

"It's like a small clothes shop that also has accessories and some other stuff." Hermione says.

"Oh, that explains it."

"Explains what?" Ginny asks as she walks in the little store.

"The word boutique is French for shop."

"I didn't know that." Hermione says.

"Me either." Ginny mumbles.

We split up in the small store as I saunter over to the oversized shirts.

I pick up one with reverse stitching and look at it.

"Hey Hermione?" I call out, looking at the design on the front of the shirt.


"What's Shakespeare?" I ask.

She gasps and joins my side not a second later.

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