The Triwaizard Champions

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"Can you stay here? I don't want to be alone."

3rd Person POV:

Y/n walked into the Great Hall with Fluer.

They were one of the last ones in the hall.

Y/n hugs Fluer.

"I hope you get picked."

"Zank you Y/n. I hope so thoo."

Y/n smiles and Fluer walks over to the Ravenclaws while Y/n walks over to the Gryffindors.

She sits down next to Hermione, infront of Harry and behind Ron.

"Now for the moment you've all been waiting for! The champion selection!" Dumbledore announces, making everyone go quiet.

He dramaticly waves his hand in the air and all of the lights go out, except for the ones in the floating jack-o-lanterns.

Dumbledore touches the goblet and stands back.

Y/n watched as the goblet's flame turned from its beautiful blue, to red.

A piece of paper is hurled out of the flame and Dumbledore catches it with ease.

"The Durmstarang champion is..."

*Dramatic pause*

"...Vicktor Krum!" Dumbledore announces.

Everyone looked at the famous quittich player in the hall as he stands up.

"Ron aren't you proud of your boyfriend?" Y/n teases.

Ron's face goes red and he rolls his eyes.

Krum shakes hands with Dumbledore and exits out of the door behind the staff table.

The flame turns blue again and it spits out another piece of paper.

Y/n recognizes it as one from Beauxbatons.

"The Beauxbatons' champion is..."

Fluer is anxiously fidgeting with her ring, hoping it will be her.

"...Fluer Delacor!" Dumbledore yells out.

Y/n claps and cheers loudly for her friend.

The Beauxbaton girls don't look very happy though.

One girl is even crying.

They still applaud though, nonetheless.

Fluer is holding back a huge grin as she stands up.

She catches Y/n eye and winks.

Fluer shakes hands with Dumbledore and goes through the same door Krum exited through.

The clapping dies down and the goblet turnes red once again.

Dumbledore catches the paper and announces,

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!!!" Dumbledore yells excitedly.

Harry claps very slighlty while Y/n is cheering loudly for him.

Cedric stands up and dabs up his friend.

As he's walking to Dumbledore, his eyes find Y/n and he smiles at her.

Harry sees this, and all of a sudden, gets a gut-wrenching feeling in his stomach.

He dosen't know what it is, but he's a little mad at Cedric now for some reason.

Harry watches as Cedric goes through the door at the end of the hall where the other champions went.

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