Muggle Studies

228 10 6

"She's inspecting our classes."

Y/n's POV:

The next morning I woke up to a faded scar on my hand.

Why didn't it stay covered?

I can tell Hermione is in the bathroom because her bed is empty and the door is closed.

I quickly try to cover it again.

This time, it hurts to cover it.

I bite my lip, trying hard to do anything but touch my burning hand.

The bathroom door opens and Hermione exits.

"Oh, you're up. Thank goodness because I don't have to time to drag you out of bed today. I'm already late." She says as she starts gathering a lot of books from all over the room.

"Late? 'Mione it's..." I grab the clock on the shared bedside table. "7:41!"

"Yes, but I have to bring these back to the library," she gestured to the books she's trying to stuff into her bag. "I have to finish the assignment professor Binns assigned yesterday, and I have to do prefect duties for 30 minutes this morning with Ron." She sighs and throws the most likely extremely heavy bag over her shoulder.

"You work yourself too much." I say, standing up and stretching.

"Bye Y/n." She says, ignoring me and leaving.

"Bye then." I say to no one.

I pull out some robes from my trunk and get ready for the day.

I walk into the Great Hall and sit next to Harry.

Ron hardly looks up at me, too focused on his food.

Harry looks irritated.

"Good morning?"

When no one responds I drop my bag down on the table.

"Ok, what happened? I need answers."

"Umbridge has become high inquisitor. Didn't you see the thing on the wall?" Harry snaps.

I raise my eyebrows at his tone.

"Okay, Harry, I love you mate, but you are not snapping at me right now."

"Sorry." He mumbles, playing with his food.

I sigh and grab a plate for myself.

Ron puts his fork down and gets up.

"Prefect duty." He mumbles and walks out.

Harry watches him walk out of the hall out of the corner of his eye.

"How's your hand?" He asks, not looking at me.

"The scar was showing this morning. I had to cover it again. How's yours?"

I look over at his hand.

He moves it closer to me.

I pick up his hand.

The fading words still clearly visible on the back of his hand.

I rub my thumb over the back of his hand while taking another bite of my eggs.

"How's yours feel?" Harry asks, glancing at my hand.

"Like hell."

He doesn't laugh.

He doesn't even smile.

He just nods.

"Are you done?" He finally looks me in the eye.

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