Train ride

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3rd Person POV:

The group reached platform 9 3/4.

They say their "Goodbye"'s and Thank you"'s to Mrs. Weasley and Bill, then they all get on the train and find an empty compartment.

Fred and George are in there along with Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Y/n.

Ginny went to find her friends.

Everyone gets their stuff situated and sticks their heads out of the window.

Mrs. Weasley and Bill come closer to them once they notice.

"I would invite you all to stay over for Christmas but, I expect you'll want to stay with,"

She stopped herself.

"Well, with what's going on this year."

"What's going on?" George asks.

"Mind you I'm glad they've canged the rules." She says.

"What rules?!" Fred asks egarly.

"I would've liked to be back at Hogwarts this year, not going to lie." Bill says.

"What do you two know that we don't!?" Ron yells as the train starts leaving the station.

Mrs. Weasley and Bill just smile and wave as we get farther and farther and we can no longer see them.

(A/n: Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.)

(A/n: I'm sorry, I had to.)

We all stick our heads back inside and close the windows.

Y/n uses a small spell to make her hair go back to its curls that she did this morning instead of the mess the wind made out of it.

When you've had friends like Fluer and Louise, you know all of the beauty hack spells.

Louise was another one of her clost friends, but she graduated from Beauxbatons last year.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Harry asks nobody in particular.

"I don't know, but I wish they had told us." George says grumpily.

"Yeah, I wonder what it is." Ron says.

Fred and George stand up.

"We're going to find Lee, bye losers."

They open the compartment to leave but Fred stops when he's about to close it.

"And Harry." He says, then shuts the door quickly.

Y/n quickly gets up and quietly opens the compartment door.

She points her wand at the back of Fred and casts a secret charm that Lousie invented herself.

"Garrulousiatotum." She whispers.

Suddenly, Angelina Johnson, a sixth year who was passing by him, starts non-stop rambling on to Fred about nonsense.

Y/n can tell that he is trying to politly excuse himself but she keeps talking.

He spots Y/n and narrows his eyes at her.

His eyes plead for help but she just laughs even more and puts her head back in the compartment.

"What did you do to him now?" Hermione sighs.

"I used Louise's spell-, she was one of my old friends at Beauxbatons," She explained.

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