Quittich & Truth or Dare

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"Aww, young love."


I feel someone shaking me.

"Y/n! Get your lazy ass up, we're going to play quittich, come join us!"

I open my eyes but my vision is blury.

I can make out the figure of a boy with jet black hair.


I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Come on! Everyone else is already down there." He tries to pull me out of bed.

I move a little but then say,

"What time is it?"


"6:30!? I'm going back to bed."

I roll over and wrap the blanket around myself so I'm a blanket burreto.

"Oh come on. Don't make me get Fred and George."

"Ok fine! I'm up, I'm up."

I roll out of bed and put my shoes on, still half asleep.

Harry smiles and stands there, waiting for me to finish putting my shoes on.

Hermione and Ginny's beds are empty.

They must already be down there.

I finish tiying my shoelaces and pick up a pillow.

I wack in Harry's face and he steps back from the force because he wasn't expecting it.

"What was that for!?"

"For waking me up so early!"

He turns and runs down the stairs before I can do anything else.

I slowly follow him and walk outside.

Bill, Charlie, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George were all standing around eachother and Harry joins.

Hermione was sitting on the ground, up against the house, reading a book.

I go and sit next to Hermione and put my head on her shoulder.

"I told you Harry would be able to get her up!"

I hear George say.

"Yeah, but I bet she didn't go down without a fight though."

Fred responds.

"She hit me with a pillow. Hard." Harry says, rubbing his neck.

Fred and George burst out laughing.

"That's what you get for losing the bet!" They yell in sync.

"Wait, wait, wait. You guys had a bet to see who would wake me up?"

"Yeah, none of us wanted to die." Ginny said.

I death stared her.

"No offence mate, but you're scary. Especially when someone has to wake you." Ron says.

I secretly give him the middle finger.

He, Fred, and George see it.

Luckly, Charlie and Bill didn't.

"Ok ok. Enough chatter, we need to make teams." Bill says.

"We have an uneven number though." Ron points out.

"Y/n can play." Harry suggests.

"Yeah" Fred and George say.

Everyone looks at me.

Mon Amour |  Harry Potter x Y/n BlackWhere stories live. Discover now