The Third Task

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"I gave you infinite popcorn, so I'ma have some."

A/n: Long chapter alert!! I will put a ⚡️ when there is a good stopping point if you don't want to read the whole thing in one sitting.

3rd Person POV:

Harry had been stressing all night.

He was not ready for this day and yet, he was.

Because this means that after this, there is no more tasks.

To be honest, he was ready to worry about nothing but school work.

He wakes Ron up.

"Ehmm wot?" Ron says, still half asleep.

"Come on, get dressed, I need to get down there." Harry says.

- - -

The band plays as people are getting in the stands.

"Me and Ron are going to find seats, go tell Harry something that'll make him happy." Hermione says to Y/n.

"Wh-you know what? Never mind. I'll be there in a bit."

The y/e/c eyed girl pushes her way through the crowd to the champion's tent.

There are a few other visitors in there as well.

Gabrielle and her parents are in there with Fleur, Cedric's dad and Cho are with Cedric, Victor and his parents are  in there, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are with Harry.

Y/n didn't know they were coming.

That's nice of them. She thought.

She walks over to Harry and the Weasley parents.

Mrs. Weasley stops hugging Harry when she notices Y/n.

"Oh! Y/n dear! How are you?"

"I'm doing fine, thank you guys for coming! I didn't know you would be here!"

"Yes, we thought we come and support Harry since the others' parents are." Mr. Weasley says, clapping Harry on the back.

"Come on Arthur dear, let's give them some space." Mrs. Weasley says.

Her and Arthur walk out of the tent, Mrs. Weasley giving Y/n a wink on the way.

Y/n politely smiles at her and steps closer to Harry.

She hugs him and he hugs back tightly.

"Can you promise me something today?" She says over her shoulder.

"I can try." Harry says into her hair.

"Don't die today." She lets go of the hug. "Please."

Harry pretends to think about it.


Y/n hits him on the arm.

"I'm serious!"

"No, that's your dad."

"Stop it Harry!" Y/n says, fighting back a smile.

She goes serious again.


"I promise." He says.

"Ok, I'm going to talk to Fleur real quick."

Y/n goes across the tent to where Fleur and here family are.

"Miss balcony!!" Fleur says and kisses Y/n on the cheek.

Y/n kisses back.

"Salut Fleur. Bonjour M. Monseir, Mme Apolline."
(Hey Fleur. Hello Mr. Monseir, Mrs. Apolline.)

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