Saving Sirius

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A/n: I'm bolding what the past characters said. Another long ass chapter.

3rd Person POV:

Y/n woke up to bright light immedialy puncturing her eyes.

She shut them and let her eyes slowly adjust to the lighting.

She realised she was in the hospital wing when Madam Pomfrey rushed over to pour a potion down her throat.

"Y/n!" Hermione rushed over to hug her. She had a few scratches on her face but other than that she looked fine.

"Mione. You're alright!" Y/n said, relived.

Y/n heard stirring next to her.

She looked to her left and saw Harry sitting up and putting his glasses on.

"Harry!" Y/n got up and went to hug him.

He hugged back and Hermione hugged him after.

Ron was the only one still out with Madam Pomfrey tending to him.

Just then, the large doors of the hospital wing opened and Dumbledore came in.

"Madam Pomfrey do you mind giving us a moment?"

"Oh. Yes Professor." She scurried off to her office.

Hermione ran foreward.

"Professor Dumbledore you've got to beleave us they've got the wrong man! Sirius is innocent!"

"It's true!" Ron had woken up. "It's Scabbers that done it."

"Scabbers?" Proffesor Dumbledore questioned.

"He's my rat sir." Ron started to explain. "Well, he was my brother Percy's rat. Then they gave him and owl-"

But the rest of his words were drowned out by Y/n.

"Point is! We know the truth!" She said, walking up next to Hermione.

"Please sir, you've got to bealive us." Hermione said.

"I do Miss. Granger but I'm afraid that the word of four 13 year old wizards will convince few others." Dumbledore said.

"Mysterious thing, time. Sirius Black is in the cell at the topmost tower." He said walking to the exit.

"You know the laws Miss. Granger. You must not be seen. If everything is done right, you may save more than one innocent life tonight."

He was now standing at the door.

"It would do good to be back before the last chime. I think three turns should do it."

He started to close the door before saying,

"Oh, and when I'm stuck I think it wise to re-trace my steps. Good luck."

And with that, he closed the door.

"Hermione what's he talking about?" Harry asked confused.

Hermione was fiddling with something under her shirt.

"Sorry Ron. Seeing as you can't walk..."

She pulled out a golden necklace.

Y/n's eyes widened.

"Y/n, you coming?"

"Of course! Wouldn't give up the oppertunity."

Y/n ran foreward and Hermione put the necklace around Y/n, Harry, and herself.

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