The Ceremony

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"You see...Cedric Diggory was Lord Voldemort."

Y/n's POV:

Fred and George kept their promise and didn't tell anyone about my attack.

Well, as far as my knowledge goes.

Anyway, today is the ceremony for Cedric.

I fell asleep crying last night.

I'm still in the stage of shock i think.

I just...can't believe something so horrible could happen in such a safe place.

If what Harry is saying is really true and Voldemort's back,...we're all doomed.

Cedric's just the start of it.

Hundreds and possibly thousands of more people will be murdered and reports of homicide will be all over the Daliy Prophet and possibly the muggle news.

I probably won't be very safe since I'm close friends with Harry and live next to him.

But I have John and Bailey to keep me safe.

I hope.

I put my diary in my trunk along with the other things I have ready to pack.

Because of the death of Cedric, the school year is ending a week early.

The two other schools are leaving right after the ceremony.

I hear a knock at the door and wipe a tear that escaped my eye.

I open the door and Harry is standing there.

He sniffs slightly then speaks.

"Uh, ready to go?"

I nod my head and grab my wand.

We meet Ron and Hermione in the common room and head to the Great Hall.

I hope Niagara Falls doesn't pay a visit today.

We walk through the open doors leading into the Great Hall and I can feel the weight of the grief settling on my shoulder.

We go to in the third row from the front and sit down.

A few more people come in and Dumbledore steps up to the front.

"Today, we acknowledge...a really terrible loss."


"Cedric Diggory, was as you all know, exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair minded, and most importantly... a fierce, fierce friend. So I think therefore you deserve to have the right to know exactly how he died."

An uncomfortable silence falls over us all.

"You see...Cedric Diggory was Lord Voldemort!" Dumbledore yells.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so I think would be an insult to his memory!"

Dumbledore stop talking loudly.

"Now the pain, we all feel, this dreadful loss that we all feel, reminds me, reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak a different tongue, our hearts beat as one."

I wipe the tears that are silently running down my face.

"In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we have made this year will be more important than ever... remember that."

I notice a tear escape Harry's eye.

"Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that! And we celebrate a boy who was...kind and...honest and... brave, true, right to the very end."

- - -

I hug my blonde best friend.

"Oh I wish you could stay!"

Fleur chuckles.

"Maybe you can come stay wis me in France for a beet. And you can help me e-mproove my E-inglish."

I laugh.

"Yeah, that would be fun. Bailey and John are really chill so they probably won't mind."

She nods.

"Et nous pouvons parler de combien vous aimez Harry, et à quel point vous voulez sortir avec lui,-"
(And we can talk about how much you love Harry, and how much you want to date him,-)

"Voulez-vous arrêter avec tout cela prêt?!"
(Would you quit with that all ready?!)

She laughs.

"D'accord, d'accord, rappelez-moi de le mentionner à nouveau à votre mariage."
(Okay, okay, remind me to mention it again at your wedding.)

I open my mouth to retaliate, but close it in defeat.

She laughs in victory.

"Allez les filles, entrez dans la voiture! Dernier appel!" Madam Maxime yells.

Fleur looks over at the carriage and back at me.

"I have to go Miss. Balcony, but make sure you ask to come over."

"I will."

We kiss each other on the cheek and she runs to the carriage.

I look over at my friends who have just been standing there awkwardly.

I put a hand on Ron's shoulder.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out between you two."

Me and Hermione laugh and walk ahead.

Harry and Ron walk behind us enough for them not being able to hear us.

"What were you and Fleur talking about that you had to say it in French?" Hermione asks.

"Oh, she was just asking about my dad."

Being the daughter of Sirius Black means I'm automatically a good liar.

"Oh, okay.." Hermione says.

"Why did you say it like that?"

"Like what?"

"You said it like you were disappointed."

"Well, I heard Harry's name. That, I understood. I'm pretty sure Harry heard it too because he looked like be was trying to understand what you guys were saying."

"Hmm, well, he is Sirius's godson, so.."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense."

We make it back to our dorm and finish packing.

We're leaving tomorrow, so I go down stairs and enjoy my last day here before next year.

A/n: Short chapter. But next one is going to be very satisfying. I will try to post it by Wednesday. Do you guys think we should live happily ever after...?

Word Count: 903

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