Hogs Head

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"Who cares? I mean, it's kind of exciting isn't it? Breaking the rules?"

Y/n's POV:

Today is the day that Hermione is bringing us to Hogshead to talk about the secret DADA lessons.

We eat breakfast then Hermione rushes us out of the castle.

When we reached Filch, the caretaker gives a great sniff to Harry as though trying to detect a whiff of something from him.

Then he gave a curt nod that checked him off the list as Harry walks on.

"Er — why was Filch sniffing you?" asked Ron, as we briskly walked throughout the gates.

I laugh a bit, wondering that as well.

"I suppose he was checking for the smell of Dungbombs," Harry says with a small laugh. "I forgot to tell you ..."

He recounts the story of sending his letter to Dad and Filch bursting in seconds later, demanding to see the letter.

Hermione appears to find the story very interesting.

I did up until the part when he mentioned running into Chang.

"He said he was tipped off you were ordering Dungbombs? But who had tipped him off?" Hermione asks.

"I dunno," Harry says, shrugging. "Maybe Malfoy, he'd think it was a laugh."

We turn past the stone boars and into the village, the wind whipping my hair into my eyes.

"Malfoy?" I question skeptically.

Ever since finding out from Dad that we're cousins, I can't help but be interested in any gossip about him.

"Well .. yes . . maybe..."

Hermione looks as though she's deep in thought all the way towards Honeydukes.

We pass the overly crowded joke shop, Zonko's, and unsurprisingly see Fred, George, and Lee inside.

"Hold up guys," I walk to Zonko's with the three following behind.

"Where are we going anyway?" Harry asks as we walk into the shop. "The Three Broom-sticks?"

I shove past some excited third years, tuning out the conversation Harry, Hermione, and Ron are having.

I scan the vast shelf and spot what I'm looking for.

I grab six nose-biting-teacups and make my way through the crowd to the till.

"Whatcha doin here?"

"Yeah, never seen you buy prank products."

I turn to the twins.

"Oh, I just thought I'd give our new teacher a welcome gift. Where's Lee?"

"Oh, yeah, didn't you get detention with her the first day you had her?" Fred raises a brow at me.

"Mhm." I say, starting to push through the crowd again, leaving the redheads behind.

I make it at the front of the line and the man behind the counter checks the items.

I give him the money and walk back to the entrance of the store where the three were waiting for me.

I notice Harry gazing out of the window and follow his eye line, only to see him looking at Cho outside, laughing with her friend.

Well that just set my mood for the day.

"Let's go." I say as normally as I can.

We walk out of the joke shop and I realize that I don't know where I'm going.

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