The Burrow

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"Y/n...I think...I think you're a Metamorphmagus."

Harry and I had hung out all summer.

Today is the day I'm supposed to go to the Burrow.

But I don't know how I'm going there.

The Weasleys are picking Harry up.

Maybe I'll go over there when they arrive.

No, then the Dursleys will wonder why I'm hanging out with Harry at someone elses house.

I'll just wait to see what happens I guess.

I'm working on my assignment for Snape when I hear screaming out of my open window.

I get up and look out of it and into the Dursley's living room.

I get excited when I see 4 red-heads in the living room.

I grab all of my packed things and bring them downstairs.



"Um... Mr. Weasley is next door."

"Ok go ahead, are coming back for Christmas?"

"No, I'm spending it at the Burrow."

"All right, just be safe and have fun at Hogwarts and keep the door open!"

I roll my eyes at her comment and head to the back door.

"Tell John bye for me!"

"I will!"

I walk outside into the grassy area.

Mr. Weasley was heading out of the front door, holding a piece of paper.

He looked at the paper, then at the houses.

He must be looking for me.

I walk around the side of the house and tap him on the shoulder.

He jumps and turns around.

He smiles when he sees me.

"Ahh Y/n, there you are."

"Harry and the boys are already back. Sorry it took so long, Fred decided to play a joke on the Dursley's son."

"Oh, good. He deserves it."

Mr. Weasley gave me a look.

"Sorry he just,..."

How do I put this.

"He tried to attack me sir, and he's brutally mean to Harry."

His face softened a little and he heald out his arm.

I grabbed it and felt the same feeling I had at the begining of summer when I was apperated to Privet Drive.

When the spining stopped, I opened my eyes.

I was met with a tall, leaning home.

Through the kitchen window I could see 7 red-heads, a brown haired girl, and a boy with jet black hair.

Mr. Weasley used his wand to make my luggage float in the air.

I let Willow out of her cage and she flew off and met up with Hedwig.

I smiled to myself and walked into the house.


Hermione was the first to hug me.

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