Another Attack

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"Y/n... had a panic attack."

Y/n's POV:

It's seven days till Christmas Break.

Seven days till I don't get to see Hogwarts again for a while.

The teachers are giving us as much work as they possibly can.

Umbridge is being a low life pathetic bitch-ass and giving me and especially Harry, a hard time.

When I realized that I wouldn't be coming back after break, I also realized that I didn't need to do my work.

I've been doing just enough to not get into detention.

Sixp days ago we had another DA meeting and Hermione finally figured out how to do the coins.

She cleverly thought of a protean charm to place on the coins.

With a bit of my help, she managed to make fifty fake galleons.

Of course, Harry's was the special one that he could change the date and all of that stuff, but I still thought it was a really good idea.

Because there's only a week until break, I've been super mift and irritated.

I'm getting lazier and lazier with trying to keep it together and the other three obviously noticed.

As we sit by the fire in the common room, Ron decides to poke a bear.

(I'm the bear.)


I shut my book with a bit of force and look at him.

"What?" I say rather harshly.

His expression changes a a scared, yet confused one.

"What's got your wand in a knot lately?" He asks.

Harry and Hermione look at me.

"Yes, I'd like to know that too." Hermione says.

I scoff and stand up, dropping my book on the floor in the process.

"You want to know why I'm so pissed!?"

I start to pace back and forward in front of the fire quickly.

"Papa me renvoie à cette putain d'école française à cause d'Umbitch et de ses millions de règles stupides et de son stylo maudit. Je ne veux vraiment, vraiment pas y retourner parce que je n'ai jamais vraiment eu quelqu'une là pour prendre soin de moi comme vous le faites. Poudlard est ma maison. Vous êtes ma famille. Je ne peux pas retourner en France. Ça me rappelle trop maman. Et je... je déteste mon père en ce moment! Il n'a pas l'habitude de me quitter toute ma vie, puis d'apparaître et de ne même pas faire attention à moi et de la gâcher à nouveau! Je déteste ma vie!"

(Dad is sending me away back to that fucking French school all because of Umbitch and her millions of stupid rules and her cursed pen. I really, really don't want to go back because I never really had anyone there to care for me like you guys do. Hogwarts is my home. You guys are my family. I can't go back to France. It reminds me too much of Mum. And I just-...hate my dad right now! He doesn't get to leave me for my whole life then appear and not even pay attention to me and ruin it again!)

My eyes are stinging, a few tears escape but I don't wipe them away.

I can't bear to look at my friends right now.

Even though they didn't understand any of what I said, it's too much.

My breath becomes shortened and it's taking a lot more effort to breathe than usual.

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