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"I heard you two had a real fun night last night."

3rd Person POV:

Y/n woke up the next morning to Hermione anxiously tapping her foot on the ground, waiting for her best friend to wake up.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What did you and Harry do last night?" She says quickly.

"What?" Y/n asks, cluelessly.

Y/n turned her feet to the edge of the bed and sat up.

She regrets doing it so fast though, because she discovers a small headche at the back of her head.

She puts her hand to her head and groans a little.

Hermione gives her a worried look.

"How bad is it?"

"Not bad. Just wasn't expecting it that's all."

"After Harry carried you upstairs, he didn't come back down for like, 30 minutes!"

Y/n narrows her eyes at her friend, trying to remember what happened last night.

She remembers Harry getting chosen for the tournament, the party in the common room, her having a few drinks, and... Harry crrying her up to her room and staying till she fell asleep. Anyone could turn that into a real story and spread it as fast as wild fire.

Y/n groans.

"He just stayed with me until I fell asleep. Nothing happend you dirty minded-..." Y/n couldn't think of anything to call her that wouldn't sound mean.

Hermione lets out a big breath of relief.

"Why did you do that?"


Y/n copies the exhaile she just did.

"Oh, because then I would owe Ron money."


Y/n didn't know what she was expecting, but it wasn't that.

"You and Ron bet on me and Harry?" Y/n says, standing up and making her way to the bathroom.

"Well..." Hermione says, dragging out the L.

"Seriously 'Mione"

"Hey! It was Ron's idea." She says with her hands up in defence.

Y/n rolls her eyes and closes the bathroom door.


Y/n walked into the great hall with Hermione where Harry was already sitting.

Ron was sitting down the table some, talking with Dean and Seamus.

Fred and George were on either side of Harry, congradulating him it looked like.

As Y/n and Hermione neared the boys, the two girls overheard the conversation they were having.

"We always knew you two had something." George says to Harry.

"We just hoped it would've been a little later though." Fred says.

"Yeah, we owe Lee now." George explains.

"A lot." Lee adds from behind them as he walks by.

"For the last time, we didn't do anything!" Harry says angrily.

"Sure you didn't." Fred says, not-so-secretly winking to Harry.

"It's true. We didn't." Y/n says as she sits across from the three. "And why is everyone being on us?!"

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