The Truth

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"So you're the reason I grew up with no parents!?
You're the reason I had to watch my mum die right infront of my eyes!
You're the reason my father was innocent and in Azkaban for 12 years!"

A/n: Long ass chapter. Enjoy :)

We get to Hagrid's hut and pass Macnair on the way.

"Who's that?" Ron nodds his head in the direction of the executioner.

"Macnair. He's the one..." Hermione swallows. "he's the one doing it."

I knock on the door and don't look at Buckbeak. I just can't.

Hagrid opens it and we only see his puffy eyes.

He lets us in and tries to make tea.

"Here Hagrid, let me do it." Hermione says, in fear he might burn something.

"I'll help you 'Mione."

Hagrid sits down and starts bawling about something to Harry and Ron but I'm not listening.

I grab the sugar jar and almost drop it.

Inside was a rat.

Not just any rat, Scabbers.



"You might want to apologize to Hermione." I say, pulling the rat out of the jar.

He gasps, "Scabber's!" your alive!"

"That means I think you owe someone an apologie." Hermione says crossed armed.

"Right, when I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know."

"I meant me!" Hermione says angerly.

Just then the vase broke.

"Ow!" Harry said from next to me. He touches a spot on the back of his head.

Hermione picks up a green rock and looks out of the open window.

"Uhh. Guys" We all move next to her and see Dumbledore, Fudge, and Macnair coming down the stone steps twards Hagrids hut.

"You all need to get back to the castle. You shouldn't be here. You'll all get in trouble if your caught. Particularly you two." Hagrid says pointing at me and Harry.

There was a knock on the door.

"Jus' a minute!" Hagrid yells back as he starts covering some of his things.

"The back door!" He whisper yells to us.

We statnd by the back door and wait for the three to come in so we can go out.

Hagrid opens the door to let them in and we sneak out and hide behind some of Hagrid's giant pumpkins.

Buckbeak glances at us then puts his head back down.

I let a tear slip before I hear a stick snapping behind me.

I whip around and I think see a little bit of bushy hair whip behind a tree.

"What?" Ron asks.

"I thought I just saw - nevermind." Hermione says. I didn't even realise she turned too.

"Let's go." Harry says and we follow him up the hill to where Mione punched Malfoy.

Macnair lifts his axe and it comes down on something solid. All of the crows fly away.

I turn into Harry's chest and start crying while Hermione does the same to Ron.

Harry rubs my back with his hand and Ron cries out. "Ow! Scabbers! You bit me! He bit me!" Way to ruin the mood Ron.

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