The Aftermath

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"I guess being a selfless idiot does pay off."

Y/n's POV:

I take a big breath, filling my lungs with air.

I tread in the water, noticing the cheering crowd.

I feel something next to me and turn my head.

Gabrielle is struggling with swimming so I grab her arm to help her.

"I got you I got you."

I swim us to the platform closest to us where Hermione happens to be with a towel wrapped around her wet body.

She and Ron help pull out Gabrielle while Fred and George help pull me out.

Two towels get wrapped around me from behind.

I look around and notice someone's missing.

"Where's Harry?"

"Oh, uhm..." Ron says looking at the water.

Right on queue, Harry comes flying out of the water and onto the platform next to me.

"Harry!" Hermione yells.


I take one of my towels and wrap it around him.

Hermione does the same.

Fleur comes over with Gabrielle.

"You-you saved her. Even when she wasn't yours to save."

Fleur kisses him on each cheek.

I knows it's how to thank someone in French but, she knows I like Harry.

She stands up and comes next to me.

"Zank you Y/n, for helping her."

I smile.

"No problem."

She kisses me on the cheek before leaving.

"I came in last Hermione." I hear Harry say.

"Second to last, Fleur never got past ze Grindylows!" Hermione says with the end in a terrible French accent.

Harry shakes his head.

"Y/n, are you okay?" He asks when I sit next to him.

"Oh Harry," I hug him and take his face in my hands and kiss him on the forehead.

I pull away and he looks speechless.

"I'm fine. Thanks for "saving me"."

He chuckles.

"Yeah no problem."


I cover my ear at the loud sound.

I turn around and stand up, looking at the old man who just bursted my eardrum.

"The winner is...Mister Diggory!!!" Dumbledore yells.

Most of Hogwarts cheers.

I clap.

", who showed innate command of the Buuble-Head charm. However seeing as Mr. Potter would have financed first, had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Miss. Ivrean, but the others as well, we've agreed to award him...second place!!" Dumbledore yells.

"Second place!" Hermione says excitedly.

"I guess being a selfless idiot does pay off." I say, bumping his arm with mine.

Mon Amour |  Harry Potter x Y/n BlackWhere stories live. Discover now